This study was designed to identify doctoral Programs in psychology th
at Produced the most mentors and to assess the quality of these progra
ms as rated in past research. Mentor was defined as dissertation super
visor. Samples of doctoral recipients were selected from the 1970, 198
0, and 1989-1991 Dissertation Abstracts International. We selected eve
ry 10th entry for a total of 875 recipients, for whom 851 dissertation
supervisors were identified. The programs producing the supervisors a
nd the supervisors' years of graduation were also identified. The 25 p
rograms producing the most supervisors accounted for almost 60% of the
recipients. These programs tended to be among the oldest in American
Psychology and among the programs rated highest in quality in studies
reported over many years and using various measures of duality. The pr
oportion of women among mentors increased but not as rapidly as the pr
oportion of women among doctoral recipients.