The general three-system is the two-parameter system of linearly depen
dent screws that defines most generally first order instantaneous rigi
d-body motion with three degrees of freedom. Through a general point t
here pass three screw axes, and in a general plane there lie two screw
axes. The theory is here developed further than hitherto by finding t
hree apparently distinct surfaces: (i) The SPS, the sextic point surfa
ce that bounds those points through which pass three screw axes that a
re all real; (ii) the QES, the quartic envelope surface that, by consi
dering its tangent planes, bounds those planes in which lie two screw
axes that are both real: and (iii) the quartic point surface S(perpend
icular-to) at the points of which two real screws intersect one anothe
r at right angles. A closer inspection, however, reveals the QES to be
none other than the SPS expressed as its tangential equation. The sur
faces are described in some detail and convincingly illustrated with t
he help of computer-graphics techniques.