A new tunable far infrared detector based on a quantum ballistic chann
el in the asymmetric split-gate structure is proposed and considered t
heoretically. The asymmetric split-gate provides a long constant width
channel with a rather sharp asymmetric narrowing at its end. It is su
pposed that only the lowest 1st subband in a wide channel is occupied
by electrons. There is a thick barrier for these electrons in the narr
ow channel, so the dark current reduces almost to zero. Due to the asy
mmetric variation of the channel width the electrons can pass the narr
ow region of the channel under illumination with the photon energy clo
se to subband separation. The Ampere-Watt responsivity of the photovol
taic detector is evaluated. The advantage of the proposed detector is
a possibility of tuning by a gate voltage and the small response time.