An SDS-FY test, a modification of the Zeleny-FY test, was developed to
determine the suitability of wheats for Oriental noodle making. Value
s derived from the SDS-FY diagrams were related to Mixograms of doughs
and Instron parameters of cooked noodles for 12 wheat flours. The SDS
-FY diagrams were unique for each wheat or flour in both shape and loc
ation on the x-y co-ordinates, and were highly correlated with Mixogra
ph dough-mixing time and Instron noodle parameters. The optimum sample
weight for differentiation among the SDS-FY diagrams was 3 g for whit
e flour (4.5 g for wheat meal) containing about 10% protein in the flo
ur on a moisture-free basis. If the protein content is much above 10%,
the SDS-FY test should be run on a sample size to give 0.3 g protein.
A Japanese udon noodle flour showed a higher Mixograph absorption and
mixing time than soft white winter (SWW) and club wheat flours. Among
the wheats and flours tested, the SWW cultivar Stephens was similar i
n shape and location on the SDS-FY diagram and in the Instron paramete
rs to a Japanese udon noodle flour. Similarly, in multivariate analysi
s of Instron parameters, no difference was found between cv. Stephens
and the Japanese udon noodle flour. The results were used to develop a
simplified SDS-FY diagram and confirmed on a set of 10 independent wh
eat flours. The results indicate that the SDS-FY test may be suitable
for screening in plant breeding or estimation of potential textural pr
operties of Oriental noodles as related to protein content and protein
quality of a flour.