We present an in-situ technology for fabrication of barrier structures
in modulation-doped Si/SiGe in-plane-gate (IPG) transistors. A specia
l multilayer-resist system is developed for pattern transfer by electr
on-beam lithography (EBL) and anisotropic SF6/O-2 dry etching. Barrier
s are realized by etch-trenches cutting the two dimensional electron g
as (2DEG). The trenches are filled up with a low temperature remote pl
asma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (RPECVD) of silicondioxide (S
iO2). Dry-etching and passivation are done in-situ to avoid contaminat
ion. IPG transistors with different geometric dimensions have been fab
ricated and electrically characterised. Transistor operation is demons
trated up to T=77 K. The breakdown voltage and the depletion length of
the devices are estimated. The obtained data indicate the advantage o
r tile presented in-situ technology in comparison to other fabrication