Germline chimeric chickens can be made by injecting dispersed cells fr
om Stage X blastoderms into recipient embryos at an equivalent stage o
f development. Colonization of the chimera by donor-derived cells is f
acilitated when the recipient embryo is compromised by exposure to irr
adiation prior to injection of the donor cells. Donor cells can be gen
etically manipulated by lipofection-mediated gene transfer before they
are introduced into the recipient. The genetic modification is expres
sed in the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm of the chimera after incub
ation for 96 h. Donor cells can also be cultured as dispersed cells in
a monolayer or as whole-embryo explants for at least 48 h before tran
sfer into recipients and retain the ability to enter both somatic and
germline tissues in the resulting chimera. A strategy is proposed for
the production of transgenic chickens using lipofection-mediated gene
transfer to blastoderm cells isolated from Stage X embryos, which are
subsequently injected into compromised recipients to yield a germline