Penetration of Salmonella typhimurium into the turkey skins from three
different defeathering systems (conventional, kosher, and steam-spray
) was quantified by transverse sectioning of inoculated skins with a c
ryostat and fluorescent antibody staining of skin section homogenates.
The microtopography of each skin observed by transmission electron mi
croscopy was correlated with cell penetration. Although few cells were
recovered due to freeze injury or freeze killing, direct plating of s
kin section homogenates showed the different properties of each skin f
or cell penetration. Fluorescent antibody staining recovered the most
cells and revealed the cell distribution within the skin. In conventio
nal skin, over 90% of cells resided in the upper 50 mum depth of skin,
which implies the poor penetration of cells. Kosher skin showed relat
ively even distribution of cells up to 150 mum in depth, which indicat
ed the penetration of cells even into the dermis. Steam-spray skin all
owed the deepest (over 200 mum depth) and the highest number of penetr
ation among the three types of skin. Conventional skin retained a thin
layer of epidermis (0.3 approximately mum of stratum germinativum) on
the surface, and it appeared to act as an effective physical shield a
gainst bacterial invasion. The loss of all epidermis on steam-spray sk
in could explain the deep penetration following this process. Kosher s
kin retained the most epidermis; however, the characteristic lengthy p
icking time in kosher processing caused mechanical damage to the skin
and allowed deep penetration of cells.