This study was designed to differentiate between universal and cultura
lly specific aspects of children's biological understanding. Kindergar
tners, second graders, and fourth graders from Israel, Japan, and the
United States were asked whether people, other animals, plants, and in
animate objects possessed each of 16 attributes. The attributes includ
ed life, unobservable attributes of animals, sensory capacities, and a
ttributes of all living things. The results indicated that children of
all three ages in all three countries knew that people, other animals
, plants, and inanimate entities were different types of things, with
different properties. Children in all cultures were extremely accurate
regarding properties of humans, somewhat less accurate regarding prop
erties of other animals and inanimate entities, and least accurate reg
arding properties of plants. As predicted from cultural analyses, Isra
eli children were the most likely to fail to attribute to plants quali
ties that are shared by all living things. Also as predicted, Japanese
children were the most likely to attribute to inanimate entities attr
ibutes possessed only by living things. In contrast to many previous f
indings, U.S. children in the study presented here displayed more accu
rate scientific knowledge than age peers in Japan or Israel. The resul
ts were analyzed in terms of how cultural beliefs and linguistic categ
ories affect knowledge acquisition processes and scientific understand