High quality (In)GaAs/AlGaAs HEMT layers were grown with a long-term r
eproducibility of +/- 1%. The control of growth rates and doping level
s is based on calibration layers and the predictable behaviour of the
effusion sources. Lateral homogeneity of the heterostructures grown on
3 inch epiready substrates is about +/- 1% with respect to layer thic
kness, alloy composition and doping. Defect density is routinely below
100 cm-2. Low noise GaAs/AlGaAs HEMTs (gate length 0.3 mum) fabricate
d from these epilayers using optical lithography, selective dry etchin
g and full dielectric passivation reveal excellent device characterist
ics (noise figures at 12 GHz and 0.60 dB (on wafer: gain 10 dB); 0.75
dB (in commercial ceramic package: gain 11 dB)).