The importance of education within the New Right philosophy has been w
ell analysed and documented. The attempt to cut costs, the pursuit of
efficiency, improving standards along with greater parental choice and
participation are some of the stated policy directions. This article
seeks an analysis of the New Right philosophies that have so influence
d the Conservatives' direction within initial teacher training, having
a major impact on recent initiatives. In doing so it will take three
directions: (a) it will offer an understanding of the New Right philos
ophies; (b) it will examine changes, past, present and future within s
chool teacher education; and (c) it will place these within a wider fr
amework of the New Right philosophies and strategies. In particular it
will look at why traditional methods have been criticised. The articl
e argues that policy within teacher training must not be seen in isola
tion, for it is related to wider educational issues and social policy
arenas, in particular to the development of a 'quasi-market'.