The quantitation of percutaneous absorption of pesticides is required
as part of the registration, re-registration or hazard assessment proc
ess. There is a paucity of regulatory guidelines in this area. This pa
per presents three protocols that can be used to quantitate percutaneo
us absorption, primarily as a result of continuous skin exposure over
a period equivalent to a working day (8 hr). A rat in vivo protocol, a
n in vitro protocol and a human in vivo protocol are described. None o
f these protocols is considered to be ideal and/or to represent a pref
erred method. The final choice of protocol must take into account the
toxicity and physicochemical properties of the test molecule as well a
s cost and resource/technical ability. Nevertheless, the protocols des
cribed allow percutaneous absorption to be quantitated, and it is beli
eved that, if adopted, they will prove useful in the regulatory and re
search areas for the acquisition of data under standard defined condit