Roaster chicken carcasses (2,928) were collected from the evisceration
line of a poultry abattoir over a 5-month period and identified as to
the lot (truck load) and supplier. Bacterial load was determined by m
echanically rinsing each eviscerated carcass in sterile water and then
using an automated hydrophobic grid membrane interpreter system to ob
tain die log10 most probable number of aerobic bacteria per gram of ca
rcass. Analysis of variance demonstrated that the between-carcass, bet
ween-lots-within-supplier, and between-supplier components of variabil
ity in bacterial load represented 73.2, 14.2, and 12.6% of the total v
ariability, respectively. There was a significant (p < 0.001) supplier
and lots-within-supplier effect on bacterial load of carcasses. A reg
ression model demonstrated that bacterial load of lots significantly (
p less-than-or-equal-to 0.05) decreased with increasing hours of opera
tion of the evisceration line. Factors in the model which were signifi
cantly (p less-than-or-equal-to 0.05) associated with increased bacter
ial load included longer crating and holding times, higher visible con
tamination scores, slaughter during winter months, higher outdoor temp
eratures, and slaughter of lots composed of only pullets. The model ex
plained about 23% of the variability in bacterial load.