Subcutaneous adipose tissue was obtained from pasture-grazed (n = 13)
and short-term (70 days) grain-fed (n = 13) cattle. The yellow colour
of the adipose tissue was assessed by Minolta b value readings and by
determination of total carotenoids and the two measurements gave a co
rrelation coefficient of 0.79 (P < 0.01). The fatty acid composition o
f the samples varied with fat colour. As the b value and the caroteno
id content of the fat increased, there was a significant increase in t
he total percentage of cis mono-unsaturated fatty acids and a decrease
in saturated,fatty acids (P < 0.01). Consequently, the ratio of cis m
ono-unsaturated to saturated fatty acids was found to be higher in tho
se samples exhibiting a greater yellow colour.