Two endemic problems face researchers in the social sciences (e.g., Ma
rketing, Economics, Psychology, and Finance): unobserved heterogeneity
and measurement error in data. Structural equation modeling is a powe
rful tool for dealing with these difficulties using a simultaneous equ
ation framework with unobserved constructs and manifest indicators whi
ch are error-prone. When estimating structural equation models, howeve
r, researchers frequently treat the data as if they were collected fro
m a single population (Muthen 1989). This assumption of homogeneity is
often unrealistic. For example, in multidimensional expectancy value
models, consumers from different market segments can have different be
lief structures (Bagozzi 1982). Research in satisfaction suggests that
consumer decision processes vary across segments (Day 1977). This pap
er shows that aggregate analysis which ignores heterogeneity in struct
ural equation models produces misleading results and that traditional
fit statistics are not useful for detecting unobserved heterogeneity i
n the data. Furthermore, sequential analyses that first form groups us
ing cluster analysis and then apply multigroup structural equation mod
eling are not satisfactory. We develop a general finite mixture struct
ural equation model that simultaneously treats heterogeneity and forms
market segments in the context of a specified model structure where a
ll the observed variables are measured with error. The model is consid
erably more general than cluster analysis, multigroup confirmatory fac
tor analysis, and multigroup structural equation modeling. In particul
ar, the model subsumes several specialized models including finite mix
ture simultaneous equation models, finite mixture confirmatory factor
analysis, and finite mixture second-order factor analysis. The finite
mixture structural equation model should be of interest to academics i
n a wide range of disciplines (e.g., Consumer Behavior, Marketing, Eco
nomics, Finance, Psychology, and Sociology) where unobserved heterogen
eity and measurement error are problematic. In addition, the model sho
uld be of interest to market researcher; and product managers for two
reasons. First, the model allows the manager to perform response-based
segmentation using a consumer decision process model, while explicitl
y allowing for both measurement and structural error. Second, the mode
l allows managers to detect unobserved moderating factors which accoun
t for heterogeneity. Once managers have identified the moderating fact
ors, they can link segment membership to observable individual-level c
haracteristics (e.g., socioeconomic and demographic variables) and imp
rove marketing policy. We applied the finite mixture structural equati
on model to a direct marketing study of customer satisfaction and esti
mated a large model with unobserved constructs and 23 manifest indicat
ors. The results show that there are three consumer segments that vary
considerably in terms of the importance they attach to the various di
mensions of satisfaction. In contrast, aggregate analysis is misleadin
g because it incorrectly suggests that except for price all dimensions
of satisfaction are significant for all consumers. Methodologically,
the finite mixture model is robust; that is, the parameter estimates a
re stable under double cross-validation and the method can be used to
test large models. Furthermore, the double cross-validation results sh
ow that the finite mixture model is superior to sequential data analys
is strategies in terms of goodness-of-fit and interpretability. We per
formed four simulation experiments to test the robustness of the algor
ithm using both recursive and nonrecursive model specifications. Speci
fically, we examined the robustness of different model selection crite
ria (e.g, CAIC, BIG, and GFI) in choosing the correct number of cluste
rs for exactly identified and overidentified models assuming that the
distributional form is correctly specified. We also examined the effec
t of distributional misspecification (i.e., departures from multivaria
te normality) on model performance. The results show that when the dat
a are heterogeneous, the standard goodness-of-fit statistics for the a
ggregate model are not useful for detecting heterogeneity. Furthermore
parameter recovery is poor. For the finite mixture model, however, th
e BIC and CAIC criteria perform well in detecting heterogeneity and in
identifying the true number of segments. In particular, parameter rec
overy for both the measurement and structural models is highly satisfa
ctory. The finite mixture method is robust to distributional misspecif
ication; in addition, the method significantly outperforms aggregate a
nd sequential data analysis methods when the form of heterogeneity is
misspecified (i.e., the true model has random coefficients). Researche
rs and practitioners should only use the mixture methodology when subs
tantive theory supports the structural equation model, a priori segmen
tation is infeasible, and theory suggests that the data are heterogene
ous and belong to a finite number of unobserved groups. We expect thes
e conditions to hold in many social science ay,plications and, in part
icular, market segmentation studies. Future research should focus on l
arge-scale simulation studies to test the structural equation mixture
model using a wide range of models and statistical distributions. Theo
retical research should extend the model by allowing the mixing propor
tions to depend on prior information and/or subject-specific variables
. Finally, in order to provide a huller treatment of heterogeneity, we
need to develop a general random coefficient structural equation mode
l. Such a model is presently unavailable in the statistical and psycho
metric literatures.