The ''auto-brewery'' syndrome, caused by yeast or bacterial fermentati
on in the small intestine, is due to increased levels of blood ethanol
resulting from abnormal gut fermentation. This causes psychological,
musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and respiratory problems and is diff
icult to distinguish from other conditions, including food intolerance
. Abnormal intestinal fermentation is associated with on alteration in
gut permeability and B vitamin, zinc and magnesium deficiencies due t
o malabsorption. Diagnosis is based an on oral glucose challenge with
positive results indicated when blood ethanol concentration is greeter
than 22 mu mol/L. Management of ''auto-brewery'' syndrome includes di
etary restriction of fermentable simple sugars, refined carbohydrates,
yeast products and mouldy foods. Antifungal drugs are recommended alo
ng with vitamin and mineral supplements.