Au/Co(4 ML)/Au sandwiches grown on molybdenite substrates and showing
strong perpendicular anisotropy have been studied by transmission elec
tron microscopy (TEM). The growth characteristics and relaxation mecha
nisms of the ultrathin magnetic layers have been determined by combini
ng information given in plan view and cross-sectional TEM specimens mi
crographs. In-plane and out-of-plane elastic strains in the Co layer h
ave been deduced from the measurement of moire fringes spacing and ato
mic planes spacing obtained by high-resolution imaging followed by ima
ge processing. Our results give evidence for an island growth mode of
the Co layer and a volume expansion of the cobalt lattice. They are an
alysed through the comparison with results obtained by other experimen
tal techniques and in particular, in noncovered cobalt layers.