Some previous experimental results on color discrimination using objec
t colors under illuminants D65 and A have been analyzed. From these re
sults, the color-difference responses under D65 and A appear to be hig
hly similar; leading to the conclusion that the CIE94 color-difference
formula can be employed under illuminant A. The hue-angle dependences
of Delta H-ab after corrections for C-ab*, are also similar for both
illuminants, showing only a weak trend with two minima. However, the
performance of the CIE94 formula clearly improves when different linea
r functions of L are used, as new weighting functions of the lightnes
s difference, for each illuminant. The usefulness of the CIE94 formula
under D65 and A illuminants can also be understood bearing in mind th
at the differences between color-discrimination thresholds obtained un
der both illuminants are of the same order of magnitude, or only sligh
tly higher, than those associated with the observer variability.