Recent neuroradiologic and brain imaging technologies, along with meth
ods for displaying electrophysiologic data, have promulgated active ex
ploration in the assessment of learning disability with attempts to im
prove diagnostic precision and elucidate the neurobiological substrate
s of learning disorders. The following article reviews these technique
s and explores the research that has been conducted in this area over
the past two decades. Initial investigations attempted to elucidate ir
regularities or abnormalities of brain morphology in individuals with
learning disability utilizing computerized tomography (CT). The curren
t standard for structural imaging of the brain is magnetic resonance (
MR) imaging, which has allowed for greater specificity in identifying
brain abnormalities. More recently, functional magnetic resonance imag
ing (fMRI) has been postulated as holding some promise in distinguishi
ng anatomic/ function differences in LD. Electrophysiological (EEG) an
d metabolic imaging techniques offer methods by which human brain acti
vity can be studied during cognitive processes. Computerized EEG studi
es including evoked potentials (EP) or event-related potentials (ERP),
spectral EEG analysis, and topographic EEG brain mapping have also id
entified a number of brain irregularities in individuals with learning
disabilities, though no consistent exemplars have emerged. Studies wi
th positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission compu
terized tomography (SPECT) have also demonstrated a number of abnormal
ities and inconsistencies in individuals with learning disabilities, b
ut, again, no systematic research has demonstrated specific diagnostic
abnormalities. Though inroads and some consistent patterns have begun
to emerge in the assessment of learning disability with the preceding
technologies, a number of challenges persist with neuroimaging and ne
urophysiological and metabolic imaging techniques. To date, no diagnos
tic conclusions have been drawn utilizing these methods in the assessm
ent of the neurobiologic basis to LD.