Objectives: To assess the blood concentration of catechins following g
reen or black tea ingestion and the effect of addition of milk to blac
k tea. Design: Twelve volunteers received a single dose of green tea,
black tea and black tea with milk in a randomized cross-over design wi
th one-week intervals. Blood samples were drawn before and up to eight
hours after tea consumption. Setting: The study was performed at the
Unilever Research Vlaardingen in The Netherlands. Subjects: Twelve hea
lthy adult volunteers (7 females, 5 males) participated in the study.
They were recruited among employees of Unilever Research Vlaardingen.
Interventions: Green tea, black tea and black tea with semi-skimmed mi
lk (3 g tea solids each). Results: Consumption of green tea (0.9 g tot
al catechins) or black tea (0.3 g total catechins) resulted ina rapid
increase of catechin levels in blood with an average maximum change fr
om baseline (CVM) of 0.46 mu mol/l (13%) after ingestion of green tea
and 0.10 mu mol/l (13%) in case of black tea. These maximum changes we
re reached after (mean (s.e.m.)) t = 2.3 h (0.2) and t = 2.2 h (0.2) f
or green and black tea respectively. Blood levels rapidly declined wit
h an elimination rate (mean (CVM)) of t(1/2) = 4.8 h (5%) for green te
a and t(1/2) = 6.9 h (8%) for black tea. Addition of milk to black tea
(100 ml in 600 ml) did not significantly affect the blood catechin le
vels (areas under the curves (mean (CVM) of 0.53 h. mu mol/l (11%) vs
0.60 h. mu mol/l (9%) for black tea and black tea with milk respective
ly. Conclusion: Catechins from green tea and black tea are rapidly abs
orbed and milk does not impair the bioavailability of tea catechins.