A microelectronic ionization vacuum gauge which is inverted-magnetron
like is proposed and its operation is analysed theoretically. The devi
ce is based on the controlled motion of field emission (FE) electrons
subject to crossed electric E and magnetic B fields. The electrons are
shown to move on a cycloid-like closed trajectory, The sensitivity of
the vacuum gauge is computed taking into account different cross sect
ions for the ionization process. The time spent by the electron inside
the device, which depends on its motion on the Z-axis, is computed as
suming a uniform repelling electric field in this direction. An analys
is is performed in order to find the conditions (geometrical and opera
tional) necessary to maximize the vacuum gauge sensitivity. It is show
n that loops in the electron trajectories and device dimensions should
be large enough to allow the electrons to acquire enough kinetic ener
gy for efficient ionization, (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights