BiCMOS circuits which can realise the different mathematical operation
s within a fuzzy system are presented in this paper. To maximise the o
perating speed of these circuits and increase: the packing density, an
analog approach is adopted throughout. The initial focus is on the de
sign of circuits to implement fuzzification and intersection. The rema
inder of the paper focuses on the hardware implementation of implicati
on and defuzzification, thus completing the fuzzy cell library. A majo
r objective of this work is to maintain a design strategy which yields
simple circuits so as to minimise cell density. Therefore, the circui
ts presented are relatively simple but effective with regard to the ma
thematical functions that they are required to generate within the cel
l. For example, fuzzification is achieved using the current spike deri
ved from a CMOS inverter during switching. Both intersection and impli
cation are realised using a single MOS transistor operating in the tri
ode region. The remaining circuitry consists mainly of an operational
amplifier in the summing mode to realise the function of defuzzificati
on. The complete fuzzy system is simulated and a transfer characterist
ic is presented and discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All righ
ts reserved.