Based on the daily records on turkeys' mortalities for the series of f
locks placed on different farms in a relatively compact geographical a
rea for the period of approximately 2 yr and other relevant explanator
y variables, the goal of the research was to design a decision model t
o determine whether or not to use the fluorquinolone antibiotic, saraf
loxacin, to prevent spiking mortality of turkeys. The core of the desi
gned decision model is the forecasting model that attempts to ex-ante
predict the cumulative nock mortality for the period between 8 and 28
d of age. Forecasts were generated with the parameters of the Linear r
egression model where continuous values of daily mortalities served as
a dependent variable. The decision variable is a binary (yes/no) choi
ce variable, where ''yes'' means ''go ahead with treatment'' and ''no'
' means ''do nothing''. If the predicted cumulative mortality for the
period between 8 and 28 d of age exceeds 9% of the total initial place
ment, the model generates a ''yes'' signal. If the predicted cumulativ
e mortality for the same period is below 9% of the total initial place
ment, the model generates a ''no'' signal. The results indicate a reas
onable accuracy of the prediction model where the number of correct pr
ediction increases and the number or incorrect predictions falls very
fast as the forecasting window shortens. The intervention decision mod
el could help veterinarians in making decisions on whether or not to t
reat the suspect flocks.