GaAs metal-semiconductor field effect transistors configured as microw
ave power amplifiers have been observed to degrade under normal device
operations at high gate-to-drain fields. The nature of this degradati
on is an increase in the gate current, with a subsequent decrease in t
he gain. We present evidence that crystallographic defects in the acti
ve region are responsible for this ''power slump'' and that these defe
cts originate during device operation due to the high strain fields wh
ich exist as the result of passivation layer processing. Strain data a
nd x-ray topographic images support our assertion that passivation lay
er processing induces high strain in and around the gate-to-drain regi
on of the device. Topographic images show that an increase in dislocat
ion density occurs in the highly stressed regions after power slump. B
y varying deposition parameters, we can produce passivation films, whi
ch induce less stress in the active region, resulting in less dislocat
ion generation and a less severe power slump.