Clinical neuropsychology deals with functional disorders after damage
to the central nervous system. The scientific study of the various fun
ctional deficits has recently led to a better understanding of the org
anisation of brain functions in humans. In contrast to the increase in
our knowledge of brain organisation, the development of suitable diag
nostic and therapeutic procedures has progressed only modestly. Presum
ably, this is due to the complexity of the problem and the comparative
ly high research demands, as the existing analysis of the Functional d
eficits is inadequate to serve as basis for comprehensive rehabilitati
on. The fruitful interplay between basic brain research and scientific
ally-based clinical application of research findings is outlined and d
iscussed in the fields of visual disorders, disorders of hand motor fu
nctions, and psychopathology. Neuropsychological rehabilitation aims a
t reducing the amount of disability and restoring the patient's qualit
y of life; this requires an integrated procedure with high face validi
ty at the time of assessing functional deficits in brain-injured patie