A key issue for improving the industrial efficiency in energy and mate
rial resources usage is to integrate the dynamics of the process and i
ts scenario in the actual plant operation decision making. In this wor
k, a combination of statistical techniques has been used to build an a
utomatic modelling tool based on Neural Networks, that overruns the li
mitations of modelling techniques based on the theoretical knowledge o
f the process principles. As the overall system can be run simultaneou
sly with the process, the tool can be used to continuously readjust it
s parameters and to follow evolutionary processes. The resulting model
can be applied for process forecasting and control, resulting in impr
ovements in the process performance. In the Neural Network field, a ne
w method is introduced to test the results and a heuristic is proposed
to stop the learning process when the best model has been found. (C)
1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.