Various optical or x-ray applications require reduction of scattered r
adiation on the imaging detector to produce sharper images. The scatte
red radiation is reduced when the radiation impacting on the detector
is from a chosen small solid angle. This requires a mask in front of t
he detector with small holes and high aspect ratio. We are applying th
e SLIGA process to perform a proof-of-principle demonstration with the
capability of making a large and high area anti-scattering grid. The
approach is by assembling and stacking small pieces of grid. To mainta
in high throughput of the desired radiation, the wall of the grid has
to be thin. We designed and fabricated four grid patterns all with 20
mu m thick walls and 80 mu m x 80 mu m holes. The individual pieces we
re 210 mu m high and made of nickel. The pieces were assembled and sta
cked to make a 5 mm x 5 mm grid 2.1 mm high. Much larger grids can be
made by the SLIGA process, which was chosen because of its capability
to fabricate high aspect ratio devices with precision.