The theoretical and experimental work carried out under the NASA/MOD j
oint aeronautical program has shown that computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) vortex-generator installation designs successfully managed inlet
-duct now distortion and that significant benefits in now unsteadiness
at the engine face were also present. The main conclusions to date fr
om the collaborative effort between the NASA Lewis Research Center and
the Defence Research Agency in Bedford are as follows: 1) Vortex-gene
rator installations can be designed to be effective over a wide-range
of inlet operating conditions using CFD and formal optimization proced
ures, 2) reductions in steady-state engine face distortion of up to 80
% have been measured in the M2129 inlet S-duct using CFD-designed vort
ex-generator installations, 3) reductions in flow unsteadiness of up t
o 80% have been measured in the M2129 inlet S-duct using CFD-designed
vortex-generator installations, and 4) the reduced Navier-Stokes code
RNS3D is a useful tool to design vortex-generator installations to man
age engine-face distortions over a wide range of inlet operating condi