The aim of these investigations, continuing former investigations of t
he Forschungslabor fur Speiseeis und Tiefkuhlkost e. V. Magdeburg, was
to increase the,,naturalness'' of edible ice by exchanging sugar for
honey. Another aim beyond this was to develop a special assortment of
honey-icecrem by using some sorts of pure German honey. Bee-honey is t
he oldest and absolutely natural sweeter and it is by definition,,pure
nature''. So the main components of honey, the carbohydrates (Fructos
e, glucose, saccharose) are especially important for icecream. Further
more the aromatics in honey are important for the quality of edible ic
e. The specific aroma of the different sorts of honey has an influence
upon the flavour of edible ice. The test-programme contained the sort
icecream (10% milk-fat) and 8 of the most usual German honey sorts: r
ape-honey, phacelia-honey, fir-honey, lime-honey, sunflower-honey, rob
inia-honey, heather-honey, and flower-honey. Altogether there were dev
eloped receipts for 21 icecream-variants using honey instead of sugar.
All of them were produced in the laboratory. In the result of the inv
estigations is was confirmed, that it is possible to produce a honey-i
cecream as a natural food. That is valid both for the industrial produ
ction of icecreams and for the mechanical production of soft ice. For
ensuring a high quality the most suited seas of German honey were sele
cted for the production of edible ice in practice.