Pavement management systems need to address not only maintenance and r
ehabilitation (M&R) decisions, but also facility inspection decisions.
The state of the art in pavement management is lacking of any consist
ent methodology for making such decisions on a cost-effectiveness basi
s. Such a methodology must recognize the presence of interactions betw
een M&R and inspection decisions. These interactions argue for a joint
decision-making approach, where the sum of inspection and M&R costs i
s minimized. This paper reviews different possible mathematical formul
ations to such a joint decision-making model, having various levels of
restriction and computational complexity. These formulations are then
compared and the effect of the forecast uncertainty on the minimum ex
pected costs produced by each of them is investigated empirically. It
is concluded that optimizing inspection decisions jointly with M&R dec
isions can lead to substantial cost savings, especially for high preci
sions of forecasting.