This paper describes a complexity perspective on organizational life b
y drawing on three distinctive sources. First, we describe the way dif
ferent natural scientists talk of their work in simulating complex dyn
amical systems. Second, we listen to the contribution of social scient
ists in describing the dynamics of human interaction and third, we des
cribe group analytic practice as it illuminates the emotional, preling
uistic processes at work in the group matrix. We argue that together t
hese insights allow us to speak of the nature of self-organization in
human systems in a way that emphasizes intersubjectivity, emergence an
d de-centred agency in contrast to the dominant voice in much manageme
nt thinking which emphasizes objectivity control and individual agency
. We then relate how the complexity perspective we describe informs ou
r approach to organizational consulting in which we participate in net
works of self-organizing everyday conversation whereby the patterned s
tructure of organizational activity is paradoxically both sustained an
d changed.