This meta-analysis evaluated predictors of both objective and subjecti
ve sales performance. Biodata measures and sales ability inventories w
ere good predictors of the ratings criterion, with corrected rs of .52
and .45, respectively. Potency (a subdimension of the Big 5 personali
ty dimension Extraversion) predicted supervisor ratings of performance
(r =.28) and objective measures of sales (r =.26). Achievement (a com
ponent of the Conscientiousness dimension) predicted ratings (r =.25)
and objective sales (r=.41). General cognitive ability showed a correl
ation of .40 with ratings but only .04 with objective sales. Similarly
, age predicted ratings (r =.26) but not objective sales (r = -.06). O
n the basis of a small number of studies, interest appears to be a pro
mising predictor of sales success.