New Perspectives on Customer "Death" Using a Generalization of the Pareto/NBD Model

Jerath, Kinshuk et al., New Perspectives on Customer "Death" Using a Generalization of the Pareto/NBD Model, Marketing science , 30(5), 2011, pp. 866-880
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Year of publication
866 - 880
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Several researchers have proposed models of buyer behavior in noncontractual settings that assume that customers are "alive" for some period of time and then become permanently inactive. The best-known such model is the Pareto/NBD, which assumes that customer attrition (dropout or "death") can occur at any point in calendar time. A recent alternative model, the BG/NBD, assumes that customer attrition follows a Bernoulli "coin-flipping" process that occurs in "transaction time" (i.e., after every purchase occasion). Although the modification results in a model that is much easier to implement, it means that heavy buyers have more opportunities to "die." In this paper, we develop a model with a discrete-time dropout process tied to calendar time. Specifically, we assume that every customer periodically "flips a coin" to determine whether she "drops out" or continues as a customer. For the component of purchasing while alive, we maintain the assumptions of the Pareto/NBD and BG/NBD models. This periodic death opportunity (PDO) model allows us to take a closer look at how assumptions about customer death influence model fit and various metrics typically used by managers to characterize a cohort of customers. When the time period after which each customer makes her dropout decision (which we call period length) is very small, we show analytically that the PDO model reduces to the Pareto/NBD. When the period length is longer than the calibration period, the dropout process is "shut off," and the PDO model collapses to the negative binomial distribution (NBD) model. By systematically varying the period length between these limits, we can explore the full spectrum of models between the "continuous-time-death" Pareto/NBD and the naïve "no-death" NBD. In covering this spectrum, the PDO model performs at least as well as either of these models; our empirical analysis demonstrates the superior performance of the PDO model on two data sets. We also show that the different models provide significantly different estimates of both purchasing-related and death-related metrics for both data sets, and these differences can be quite dramatic for the death-related metrics. As more researchers and managers make managerial judgments that directly relate to the death process, we assert that the model employed to generate these metrics should be chosen carefully.