The effects of age, gender and prior computing experience upon attitud
es towards computers were investigated in 278 secondary school pupils
drawn from the 11-12 and 15-16 years age-groups. Males from both age-g
roups reported greater experience with and more positive attitudes tow
ards computers than females. Younger pupils, both male and female, wer
e found to have greater experience with and more positive attitudes to
wards computers than older pupils. After controlling for ownership and
use of a home computer by means of analyses of covariance, female and
male pupils reported similar levels of enjoyment of computers, but ag
e differences in enjoyment and gender and age differences in confidenc
e with computers remained significant. Similar analyses using length o
f experience as a covariate did not significantly affect gender or age
differences. The need to investigate and address the level of confide
nce of female pupils is briefly discussed.