An object-oriented scheduling system for a job-shop manufacturing cell
has been developed and tested. A powerful optimization technique base
d on genetic algorithms was used to improve the routing of subassembly
parts in the manufacturing cell. The scheduling system is composed of
three interactive modules: the due date algorithms, the genetic algor
ithms, and the manufacturing cell simulator. These modules exchange in
formation to accomplish 'genetic optimization' and to fulfill time-dep
endent and technological constraints simultaneously, using a composite
objective function. The due date algorithms use the production sequen
ces and processing times of individual parts of a single product to ge
nerate production priorities. The genetic algorithms module creates a
population of feasible machine routings and schedules, and passes it o
n to the manufacturing cell simulator. The manufacturing cell simulato
r performs the production plans under different scheduling configurati
ons. The genetic algorithms module uses the fitness value of each sche
duling alternative progressively to improve the production schedule un
til a convergence criterion is satisfied. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.