Nucleation and growth of GaSe on GaAs(111)B substrate was studied to d
evelop a better understanding of the Van der Waals epitaxy (VDWE) proc
ess. A complementary combination of RHEED, XPS, AFM and HREM were used
. The initial GaAs(111)B surface reacts with incoming flux, forming a
compound similar to GaSe at the surface. After one monolayer coverage,
further growth of GaSe is on GaSe; the system changes from a heteroep
itaxial to homoepitaxial system. Nucleation in the VDWE process is cha
racterized by the formation of small oriented clusters with the weak V
an der Waals bond dictating the orientation relationship. Further grow
th is found to be limited by surface kinetics, with a large diffusion
barrier at the growing step edge. This barrier leads to islanding with
the island shape dictated by the substrate temperature. A modified de
position procedure was developed to obtain uniform layer-by-layer grow
th of well-aligned flat GaSe domains without islanding.