The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparability in scor
e meaning of the performance regions on the ITBS and NAEP mathematics
score scales that resulted from using performance standards to establi
sh two separate links: socially moderated and statistically moderated.
A socially moderated link was established by using the same achieveme
nt level descriptions in an ITBS standard-setting study that were used
in a NAEP standard-setting study. A statistically moderated link was
accomplished by using an equipercentile procedure. The primary finding
s were that (a) social moderation yielded cutscores on the ITBS scales
that resulted in larger percentages of Iowa public fourth-grade stude
nts being classified within the basic, proficient, and advanced achiev
ement regions than those reported by NAEP; (b) the equipercentile link
yielded percentages on the ITBS scale that were similar to those repo
rted by NAEP far ''type of community'' subgroups; and (c) for students
taking both assessments, the corresponding achievement regions on the
NAEP and ITBS scales produced low to moderate percents of agreement i
n student classification.