Industrial and organizational psychology began as applied psychology.
Hugo Munsterberg was well-known for his applications of psychology to
forensics, psychotherapy, and industrial efficiency. James McKeen Catt
ell pioneered mental testing and argued for an applicable, if not appl
ied, psychology. Waiter Dill Scott and Waiter VanDyke Bingham were dev
oted to the application of psychological principles to the problems of
government and industry. The lives and accomplishments of these 4 fig
ures are detailed as a way of examining the development of the subdisc
ipline between the years 1880 and 1920. The focus of the discussion is
on how their efforts peculiarly changed the science and practice of i
ndustrial and organizational psychology. Each made a unique contributi
on in a unique time period. The field continues to benefit from their
individual and collective influence.