The two aspects of discriminant analysis are briefly reviewed: predict
ive discriminant analysis (PDA) and descriptive discriminant analysis
(DDA). Use of three popular statistical packages (BMDP, SAS, and SPSS)
to obtain computational results for a PDA and for a DDA is generally
reviewed. Results yielded by two BMDP procedures (7M and 5M) are discu
ssed, as are four SAS procedures (DISCRIM, STEPDISC, CANDISC, and GLM)
, and two SPSS procedures (DISCRIMINANT and MANOVA). It is pointed out
which procedures are used to obtain PDA results and which are used fo
r DDA results. Examples of printout information are given. Some of the
se examples pertain to misleading information-one to incorrect informa
tion, and some, of course, to very useful information. The need for no
npackage analyses to generate specific PDA and DDA information is also