There recently has been a renewed appreciation of the importance of so
cial context to effective schools. This article describes an ongoing p
rogram of research on schools as caring communities. The research span
s about a decade and a half and involves a diverse set of elementary s
chools from across the United States. The findings indicate that sense
of school community can be enhanced for both students and teachers, t
hat it is associated with a wide range of positive outcomes for both,
and that the potential benefits of enhancing school community may be g
reatest in schools with large numbers of economically disadvantaged st
udents. At the same time, it is noted that enhancing community has the
potential for producing negative as well as positive outcomes, and th
at the content of the community values is of critical importance. Over
all, the concept of school as community appears to provide a powerful
framework for looking at educational practice and guiding educational
reform efforts.