Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>

Table of contents of journal: The *American statistician

Results: 1-25/2511

Authors: Boruch, Robert F.
Citation: F. Boruch, Robert, Experimental Tests in Education: Recommendations from the Holtzman Report, American statistician , 36(1), 1982, pp. 1-8

Authors: Schucany, Wiliam R. Gates, Charles E.
Citation: R. Schucany, Wiliam et E. Gates, Charles, New Editor, American statistician , 44(1), 1990, pp. 1-1

Authors: Ruppert, David
Citation: Ruppert, David, What is Kurtosis? An Influence Function Approach, American statistician , 41(1), 1987, pp. 1-5

Authors: Xu Xu Qing Liu Peter Z. G. Qian
Citation: Xu Xu et al., Samurai Sudoku-Based Space-Filling Designs for Data Pooling, American statistician , 70(1), 2016, pp. 1-8

Authors: Efron, B.
Citation: B. Efron,, Why Isn't Everyone a Bayesian?, American statistician , 40(1), 1986, pp. 1-5

Authors: Bailar, Barbara A. Fienberg, Stephen E. Marquardt, Donald W. Neter, John Norwood, Janet L.
Citation: A. Bailar, Barbara et al., Strategic Planning for the American Statistical Association, 1984.1987, American statistician , 42(1), 1988, pp. 1-9

Authors: Hahn, Gerald J. Meeker, William Q.
Citation: J. Hahn, Gerald et Q. Meeker, William, Assumptions for Statistical Inference, American statistician , 47(1), 1993, pp. 1-11

Authors: Hahn, Gerald J.
Citation: J. Hahn, Gerald, More Intelligent Statistical Software and Statistical Expert Systems: Future Directions, American statistician , 39(1), 1985, pp. 1-8

Authors: Schmitt, Robert C.
Citation: C. Schmitt, Robert, Early Hawaiian Statistics, American statistician , 35(1), 1981, pp. 1-3

Authors: Box, Joan Fisher
Citation: Box, Joan Fisher, R.A. Fisher and the Design of Experiments, 1922.1926, American statistician , 34(1), 1980, pp. 1-7

Authors: Moore, David S. Olkin, Ingram
Citation: S. Moore, David et Olkin, Ingram, Academic Statistics: Growth, Change, and Federal Support, American statistician , 38(1), 1984, pp. 1-7

Authors: Ellenberg, Jonas H.
Citation: H. Ellenberg, Jonas, Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice: A Historical Perspective, American statistician , 37(1), 1983, pp. 1-4

Authors: Cox, D. R. Wermuth, Nanny
Citation: R. Cox, D. et Wermuth, Nanny, A Comment on the Coefficient of Determination for Binary Responses, American statistician , 46(1), 1992, pp. 1-4

Authors: . Kuffner Todd A Walker Stephen G.
Citation: A. . Kuffner Todd et G. Walker Stephen, Why are p-Values Controversial?, American statistician , 73(1), 2019, pp. 1-3

Authors: Beniger, James R. Robyn, Dorothy L.
Citation: R. Beniger, James et L. Robyn, Dorothy, Quantitative Graphics in Statistics: A Brief History, American statistician , 32(1), 1978, pp. 1-11

Authors: Kross Sean Leek Jeffrey T. Gooding Ira Caffo Brian S. Peng Roger D.
Citation: Kross Sean et al., The Democratization of Data Science Education, American statistician , 74(1), 2020, pp. 1-7

Authors: Scherer, F. M.
Citation: M. Scherer, F., Statistics for Governmental Regulation, American statistician , 33(1), 1979, pp. 1-5

Authors: Kruskal, William Majors, Ruth
Citation: Kruskal, William et Majors, Ruth, Concepts of Relative Importance in Recent Scientific Literature, American statistician , 43(1), 1989, pp. 2-6

Authors: Van Matre, Joseph G. Clark, William N.
Citation: G. Van Matre, Joseph et N. Clark, William, The Statistician as Expert Witness, American statistician , 30(1), 1976, pp. 2-5

Authors: Tepping, Benjamin J. Waksberg, Joseph
Citation: J. Tepping, Benjamin et Waksberg, Joseph, Morris H. Hansen, 1910.1990, American statistician , 45(1), 1991, pp. 2-3

Authors: Friess, Seymour L.
Citation: L. Friess, Seymour, Contributions of Statistics to the Analysis of Environmental Health Problems Caused by Pollutants, American statistician , 31(1), 1977, pp. 2-7

Authors: Scheaffer, Richard L.
Citation: L. Scheaffer, Richard, Toward a More Quantitatively Literate Citizenry, American statistician , 44(1), 1990, pp. 2-3

Authors: Broman Karl W. Woo Kara H.
Citation: W. Broman Karl et H. Woo Kara, Data Organization in Spreadsheets, American statistician , 72(1), 2018, pp. 2-10

Authors: Mosteller, Frederick
Citation: Mosteller, Frederick, The President Reports: Three Major ASA Actions, American statistician , 21(3), 1967, pp. 2-4

Authors: Marquardt, Donald W. Snee, Ronald D.
Citation: W. Marquardt, Donald et D. Snee, Ronald, Ridge Regression in Practice, American statistician , 29(1), 1975, pp. 3-20
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>