Results: 1-21 |
Results: 21

Authors: Leng, QB Borkow, G Weisman, Z Stein, M Kalinkovich, A Bentwich, Z
Citation: Qb. Leng et al., Immune activation correlates better than HIV plasma viral load with CD4 T-cell decline during HIV infection, J ACQ IMM D, 27(4), 2001, pp. 389-397

Authors: Gradstein, S Hahn, T Barak, Y Malach, L Revel, M Bentwich, Z Handzel, ZT
Citation: S. Gradstein et al., In vitro effects of recombinant TNF-alpha binding protein (rTBP-1) on hematopoiesis of HIV-infected patients, J ACQ IMM D, 26(2), 2001, pp. 111-117

Authors: Kalinkovich, A Borkow, G Weisman, Z Tsimanis, A Stein, M Bentwich, Z
Citation: A. Kalinkovich et al., Increased CCR5 and CXCR4 expression in Ethiopians living in Israel: Environmental and constitutive factors, CLIN IMMUNO, 100(1), 2001, pp. 107-117

Authors: Grossman, Z Vardinon, N Chemtob, D Alkan, ML Bentwich, Z Burke, M Gottesman, G Istomin, V Levi, I Maayan, S Shahar, E Schapiro, JM
Citation: Z. Grossman et al., Genotypic variation of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and protease: comparative analysis of clade C and clade B (vol 15, pg 1453, 2001), AIDS, 15(16), 2001, pp. 2209-2209

Authors: Grossman, Z Vardinon, N Chemtob, D Alkan, ML Bentwich, Z Burke, M Gottesman, G Istomin, V Levi, I Maayan, S Shahar, E Schapiro, JM
Citation: Z. Grossman et al., Genotypic variation of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and protease: comparative analysis of clade C and clade B, AIDS, 15(12), 2001, pp. 1453-1460

Authors: Borkow, G Weisman, Z Leng, QB Stein, M Kalinkovich, A Wolday, D Bentwich, Z
Citation: G. Borkow et al., Helminths, human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis, SC J IN DIS, 33(8), 2001, pp. 568-571

Authors: Ayash-Rashkovsky, M Weisman, Z Zlotnikov, S Raz, E Bentwich, Z Borkow, G
Citation: M. Ayash-rashkovsky et al., Induction of antigen-specific Th1-biased immune responses by plasmid DNA in Schistosoma-infected mice with a preexistent dominant Th2 immune profile, BIOC BIOP R, 282(5), 2001, pp. 1169-1176

Authors: Klepfish, A Schattner, A Shtalrid, M Shvidel, L Berrebi, A Bentwich, Z
Citation: A. Klepfish et al., Advanced Hodgkin's disease in a pregnant HIV seropositive woman: Favorablemother and baby outcome following combined anticancer and antiretroviral therapy, AM J HEMAT, 63(1), 2000, pp. 57-58

Authors: Bentwich, Z Maartens, G Torten, D Lal, AA Lal, RB
Citation: Z. Bentwich et al., Concurrent infections and HIV pathogenesis, AIDS, 14(14), 2000, pp. 2071-2081

Authors: Bentwich, Z
Citation: Z. Bentwich, Good worms or bad worms: Do worm infections affect the epidemiological patterns of other diseases? Reply, PARASIT TOD, 16(7), 2000, pp. 312-312

Authors: Joly, V Moroni, M Concia, E Lazzarin, A Hirschel, B Jost, J Chiodo, F Bentwich, Z Love, WC Hawkins, DA Wilkins, EGL Gatell, AJ Vetter, N Greenwald, C Freimuth, WW De Cian, W
Citation: V. Joly et al., Delavirdine in combination with zidovudine in treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected patients: Evaluation of efficacy and emergence of viral resistance in a randomized, comparative phase III trial, ANTIM AG CH, 44(11), 2000, pp. 3155-3157

Authors: Borkow, G Bentwich, Z
Citation: G. Borkow et Z. Bentwich, Eradication of helminthic infections may be essential for successful vaccination against HIV and tuberculosis, B WHO, 78(11), 2000, pp. 1368-1369

Authors: Borkow, G Leng, QB Weisman, Z Stein, M Galai, N Kalinkovich, A Bentwich, Z
Citation: G. Borkow et al., Chronic immune activation associated with intestinal helminth infections results in impaired signal transduction and anergy, J CLIN INV, 106(8), 2000, pp. 1053-1060

Authors: Abulafia-Lapid, R Bentwich, Z Keren-Zur, Y Cohen, I Atlan, H
Citation: R. Abulafia-lapid et al., Autologous T-cell vaccination for HIV-seropositive patients: A phase I clinical trial, FIFTH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL AIDS RESEARCH (ECEAR 2000), 2000, pp. 87-93

Authors: Weisman, Z Kalinkovich, A Borkow, G Stein, M Greenberg, Z Bentwich, Z
Citation: Z. Weisman et al., Infection by different HIV-1 subtypes (B and C) results in a similar immune activation profile despite distinct immune backgrounds, J ACQ IMM D, 21(2), 1999, pp. 157-163

Authors: Gringeri, A Musicco, M Hermans, P Bentwich, Z Cusini, M Bergamasco, A Santagostino, E Burny, A Bizzini, B Zagury, D
Citation: A. Gringeri et al., Active anti-interferon-alpha immunization: A European-Israeli, randomized,double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in 242 HIV-1-infected patients (the EURIS study), J ACQ IMM D, 20(4), 1999, pp. 358-370

Authors: Kalinkovich, A Weisman, Z Leng, QB Borkow, G Stein, M Greenberg, Z Zlotnikov, S Eitan, S Bentwich, Z
Citation: A. Kalinkovich et al., Increased CCR5 expression with decreased beta chemokine secretion in Ethiopians: Relevance to AIDS in Africa, J HUMAN VIR, 2(5), 1999, pp. 283-289

Authors: Marcovich, A Barzilai, N Bentwich, Z Oliver, M Pollack, A
Citation: A. Marcovich et al., Imaging techniques in the diagnosis of choroiditis in a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, ANN OPHTH G, 31(2), 1999, pp. 94-96

Authors: Bentwich, Z Kalinkovich, A Weisman, Z Borkow, G Beyers, N Beyers, AD
Citation: Z. Bentwich et al., Can eradication of helminthic infections change the face of AIDS and tuberculosis?, IMMUNOL TOD, 20(11), 1999, pp. 485-487

Authors: Kalinkovich, A Weisman, Z Bentwich, Z
Citation: A. Kalinkovich et al., Chemokines and chemokine receptors: role in HIV infection, IMMUNOL LET, 68(2-3), 1999, pp. 281-287

Authors: Kalinkovich, A Weisman, Z Greenberg, Z Nahmias, J Eitan, S Stein, M Bentwich, Z
Citation: A. Kalinkovich et al., Decreased CD4 and increased CD8 counts with T cell activation is associated with chronic helminth infection, CLIN EXP IM, 114(3), 1998, pp. 414-421
Risultati: 1-21 |