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Results: 24

Authors: Minar, J Ebert, H Tjeng, LH Steeneken, P Ghiringhelli, G Tjernberg, O Brookess, NB
Citation: J. Minar et al., Theoretical description of the Fano-effect in the angle-integrated valence-band photoemission of paramagnetic solids, APPL PHYS A, 73(6), 2001, pp. 663-666

Authors: Braicovich, L Borgatti, F Tagliaferri, A Ghiringhelli, G Brookes, NB Ferriani, P Bertoni, CM
Citation: L. Braicovich et al., Magnetic circular dichroism in soft X-ray resonant inelastic scattering, APPL PHYS A, 73(6), 2001, pp. 679-686

Authors: Tagliaferri, A Ghiringhelli, G Brookes, NB Braicovich, L
Citation: A. Tagliaferri et al., On the many body effects in the 4p-resonant Raman scattering of Gd at the M-5 threshold: comparison between the metal and an insulator (GdGa Garnet), J ELEC SPEC, 114, 2001, pp. 965-968

Authors: Dallera, C Giarda, K Ghiringhelli, G Tagliaferri, A Braicovich, L Brookes, NB
Citation: C. Dallera et al., Charge-transfer excitations in lanthanum. compounds measured by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the M-5 edge - art. no. 156104, PHYS REV B, 6415(15), 2001, pp. 3104

Authors: Taguchi, M Braicovich, L Borgatti, F Ghiringhelli, G Tagliaferri, A Brookes, NB Uozumi, T Kotani, A
Citation: M. Taguchi et al., Resonant Raman scattering at the L thresholds with final 3s hole in 3d(2+)systems. I. Configuration interaction with two 3p hole final states in different systems - art. no. 245114, PHYS REV B, 6324(24), 2001, pp. 5114

Authors: Braicovich, L Taguchi, M Borgatti, F Ghiringhelli, G Tagliaferri, A Brookes, NB Uozumi, T Kotani, A
Citation: L. Braicovich et al., Resonant Raman scattering at the L thresholds with final 3s hole in 3d(2+)systems. II. The CoO case in the whole L-2,L-3 region - art. no. 245115, PHYS REV B, 6324(24), 2001, pp. 5115

Authors: Taguchi, M Braicovich, L Ghiringhelli, G Tagliaferri, A Borgatti, F Dallera, C Giarda, K Brookes, NB
Citation: M. Taguchi et al., X-ray M-4,M-5 resonant Raman scattering from La metal with a final 4p hole: Calculations with 4p-4d-4f configuration interaction in the final state and comparison to experiments - art. no. 235113, PHYS REV B, 6323(23), 2001, pp. 5113

Authors: Minar, J Ebert, H Ghiringhelli, G Tjernberg, O Brookes, NB Tjeng, LH
Citation: J. Minar et al., Theoretical description of the Fano effect in the angle-integrated valence-band photoemission of paramagnetic solids - art. no. 144421, PHYS REV B, 6314(14), 2001, pp. 4421

Authors: Brookes, NB Ghiringhelli, G Tjernberg, O Tjeng, LH Mizokawa, T Li, TW Menovsky, AA
Citation: Nb. Brookes et al., Detection of Zhang-Rice singlets using spin-polarized photoemission - 237003, PHYS REV L, 8723(23), 2001, pp. 7003

Authors: Mizokawa, T Tjeng, LH Sawatzky, GA Ghiringhelli, G Tjernberg, O Brookes, NB Fukazawa, H Nakatsuji, S Maeno, Y
Citation: T. Mizokawa et al., Spin-orbit coupling in the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4 - art. no. 077202, PHYS REV L, 8707(7), 2001, pp. 7202

Authors: Bonfim, M Ghiringhelli, G Montaigne, F Pizzini, S Brookes, NB Petroff, F Vogel, J Camarero, J Fontaine, A
Citation: M. Bonfim et al., Element-selective nanosecond magnetization dynamics in magnetic heterostructures, PHYS REV L, 86(16), 2001, pp. 3646-3649

Authors: Finazzi, M Ghiringhelli, G Tjernberg, O Ohresser, P Brookes, NB
Citation: M. Finazzi et al., Radiationless Raman versus Anger behavior at the Cu L-3 resonance of CuO and Cu2O, PHYS REV B, 61(7), 2000, pp. 4629-4635

Authors: Wilhelm, F Poulopoulos, P Srivastava, P Wende, H Farle, M Baberschke, K Angelakeris, M Flevaris, NK Grange, W Kappler, JP Ghiringhelli, G Brookes, NB
Citation: F. Wilhelm et al., Magnetic anisotropy energy and the anisotropy of the orbital moment of Ni in Ni/Pt multilayers, PHYS REV B, 61(13), 2000, pp. 8647-8650

Authors: Finazzi, M Ghiringhelli, G Tjernberg, O Brookes, NB
Citation: M. Finazzi et al., Photon energy dependence of the perpendicular geometry magnetic circular dichroism in the 2p3p3p resonant photoemission from Ni, J PHYS-COND, 12(9), 2000, pp. 2123-2133

Authors: Tjernberg, O Finazzi, M Duo, L Ghiringhelli, G Ohresser, P Brookes, NB
Citation: O. Tjernberg et al., Resonant spin resolved photoemission on Ce, PHYSICA B, 281, 2000, pp. 723-724

Authors: Ohresser, P Ghiringhelli, G Tjernberg, O Brookes, NB Finazzi, M
Citation: P. Ohresser et al., Magnetism of nanostructures studied by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism: Fe on Cu(111), PHYS REV B, 62(9), 2000, pp. 5803-5809

Authors: Finazzi, M Ghiringhelli, G Tjernberg, O Duo, L Tagliaferri, A Ohresser, P Brookes, NB
Citation: M. Finazzi et al., Multiatomic resonant photoemission spectroscopy on CuO and NiO: Observation of antiresonant behavior, PHYS REV B, 62(24), 2000, pp. R16215-R16218

Authors: Braicovich, L van der Laan, G Tagliaferri, A Ghiringhelli, G Borgatti, F Brookes, NB
Citation: L. Braicovich et al., M-4,M-5 resonant Raman scattering with final 4p-4d holes in Te, La, and Gd: Trends of the many-body effects, PHYS REV B, 62(16), 2000, pp. 10723-10727

Authors: Bonfim, M Mackay, K Pizzini, S Arnou, ML Fontaine, A Ghiringhelli, G Pascarelli, S Neisius, T
Citation: M. Bonfim et al., Nanosecond resolved techniques for dynamical magnetization reversal measurements, J APPL PHYS, 87(9), 2000, pp. 5974-5976

Authors: Braicovich, L Ghiringhelli, G Tagliaferri, A Borgatti, F Brookes, NB
Citation: L. Braicovich et al., Evidence of configuration interaction in resonant X-ray scattering from rare earths at the M-4,M-5-thresholds with final 4p excitation, PHYSICA B, 261, 1999, pp. 1100-1101

Authors: Tagliaferri, A Braicovich, L Ghiringhelli, G Brookes, NB
Citation: A. Tagliaferri et al., Resonant X-ray 4f scattering from Ce in Ce-Rh intermetallics at the M-4,M-5 thresholds, PHYSICA B, 261, 1999, pp. 1159-1160

Authors: Tagliaferri, A Braicovich, L van der Laan, G Ghiringhelli, G Brookes, NB Dallera, C Finazzi, M Weschke, E Hu, Z Kaindl, G
Citation: A. Tagliaferri et al., Many-body effects in nonresonant and resonant 4p spectroscopy of Gd metal, PHYS REV B, 60(8), 1999, pp. 5728-5736

Authors: Ghiringhelli, G Larsson, K Brookes, NB
Citation: G. Ghiringhelli et al., High-efficiency spin-resolved and spin-integrated electron detection: Parallel mounting on a hemispherical analyzer, REV SCI INS, 70(11), 1999, pp. 4225-4230

Authors: Braicovich, L van der Laan, G Ghiringhelli, G Tagliaferri, A van Veenendaal, MA Brookes, NB Chervinskii, MM Dallera, C De Michelis, B Durr, HA
Citation: L. Braicovich et al., Magnetic circular dichroism in resonant Raman scattering in the perpendicular geometry at the L edge of 3d transition metal systems, PHYS REV L, 82(7), 1999, pp. 1566-1569
Risultati: 1-24 |