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Results: 20

Authors: Iso, H Rexrode, KM Stampfer, MJ Manson, JE Colditz, GA Speizer, FE Hennekens, CH Willett, WC
Citation: H. Iso et al., Intake of fish and omega-3 fatty acids and risk of stroke in women, J AM MED A, 285(3), 2001, pp. 304-312

Authors: Ohira, T Iso, H
Citation: T. Ohira et H. Iso, Neurobiology of depressive symptoms predictive of stroke among Japanese - Response, STROKE, 32(9), 2001, pp. 2208-2208

Authors: Ohira, T Iso, H Satoh, S Sankai, T Tanigawa, T Ogawa, Y Imano, H Sato, S Kitamura, A Shimamoto, T
Citation: T. Ohira et al., Prospective study of depressive symptoms and risk of stroke among Japanese, STROKE, 32(4), 2001, pp. 903-907

Authors: Iso, H Stampfer, MJ Manson, JE Rexrode, K Hu, FB Hennekens, CH Colditz, GA Speizer, FE Willett, WC
Citation: H. Iso et al., Prospective study of fat and protein intake and risk of intraparenchymal hemorrhage in women, CIRCULATION, 103(6), 2001, pp. 856-863

Authors: Iso, H Naito, Y Sato, S Kitamura, A Okamura, T Sankai, T Shimamoto, T Lida, M Komachi, Y
Citation: H. Iso et al., Serum triglycerides and risk of coronary heart disease among Japanese men and women, AM J EPIDEM, 153(5), 2001, pp. 490-499

Authors: Iso, H Rexrode, K Hennekens, CH Manson, JE
Citation: H. Iso et al., Application of computer tomography-oriented criteria for stroke subtype classification in a prospective study, ANN EPIDEMI, 10(2), 2000, pp. 81-87

Authors: Yukawa, K Tanaka, T Toyomi, A Tsuji, S Akira, S Iso, H
Citation: K. Yukawa et al., Impaired water-maze performance in mice lacking transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta, NEUROSC R C, 26(1), 2000, pp. 59-67

Authors: Pi, JB Kumagai, Y Sun, GF Yamauchi, H Yoshida, T Iso, H Endo, A Yu, LY Yuki, KC Miyauchi, T Shimojo, N
Citation: Jb. Pi et al., Decreased serum concentrations of nitric oxide metabolites among Chinese in an endemic area of chronic arsenic poisoning in Inner Mongolia, FREE RAD B, 28(7), 2000, pp. 1137-1142

Authors: Ohira, T Tanigawa, T Iso, H Odagiri, Y Takamiya, T Shimomitsu, T Hayano, J Shimamoto, T
Citation: T. Ohira et al., Effects of shift work on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and its variability among Japanese workers, SC J WORK E, 26(5), 2000, pp. 421-426

Authors: Iso, H Harada, S Shimamoto, T Sato, S Kitamura, A Sankai, T Tanigawa, T Lida, M Komachi, Y
Citation: H. Iso et al., Angiotensinogen T174M and M235T variants, sodium intake and hypertension among non-drinking, lean Japanese men and women, J HYPERTENS, 18(9), 2000, pp. 1197-1206

Authors: Sankai, T Iso, H Shimamoto, T Kitamura, A Naito, Y Sato, S Okamura, T Imano, H Iida, M Komachi, Y
Citation: T. Sankai et al., Prospective study on alcohol intake and risk of subarachnoid hemorrhage among Japanese men and women, ALC CLIN EX, 24(3), 2000, pp. 386-389

Authors: Sato, S Nakamura, M Iida, M Naito, Y Kitamura, A Okamura, T Nakagawa, Y Imano, H Kiyama, M Iso, H Shimamoto, T Komachi, Y
Citation: S. Sato et al., Plasma fibrinogen and coronary heart disease in urban Japanese, AM J EPIDEM, 152(5), 2000, pp. 420-423

Authors: Iso, H Sato, H Chambless, L De Backer, G de Bacquer, D Kornitzer, M Ebrahim, S Whincup, P Wannamethee, G Wald, N Morris, J Knuimann, M Sweetnam, P Elwood, P Kronmal, R Kromhout, D Sutherland, S Keil, J Schnohr, P Jensen, G Grobbee, D Witteman, J Hames, C Aromaa, A Knekt, P Reunanen, A Tuomilehto, J Jousilahti, P Vartiainen, E Levy, D D'Agostino, R Silbershatz, H Thomsen, T Bengtsson, C Sharp, D Benetos, A Guize, L Goldbourt, U Yaari, S Murayama, T Tomita, M Nishimoto, M Staessen, J Criqui, M Davies, C Jacobs, D Blackburn, H Luepker, R Neaton, J Cox, C Ofstedal, M Weiss, S Cassano, P Sparrow, D Vokonas, P Tverdal, A Selmer, R Meade, T Garrow, K Cooper, J Menotti, A Spagnolo, A Tsuji, I Imai, Y Ohkubo, T Hisamichi, S Haheim, L Holme, I Hjermann, I Leren, P Ducimetiere, P Richard, J Jamrozik, K Broadhurst, R Assmann, G Schulte, H Clarke, R Collins, R Donald, A Duffy, S Lewington, S MacMahon, S Peto, R Qizilbash, N Rodgers, A Sherliker, P Zhang, W Sorlie, P Garcia-Palmeri, M Barrett-Conner, E Langer, R Gillis, C Hole, D Nakachi, K Fang, X Li, S Buzina, R Kivinen, P Nissinen, A Aravanis, C Dontas, A Toshima, H Adachi, H Imaizumi, T Kromhout, D Nedelijkovic, S Vojvodic, N Ostojic, M Jacobs, D Blackburn, H Chen, Z Tunstall-Pedoe, H Nakayama, T Keller, J Bonaa, K Arnesen, E Rimm, E Speizer, F Stampfer, M Hennekens, C Buring, J Tornberg, S Carstensen, J Gillis, C Shipley, M Leon, D Marmot, M
Citation: H. Iso et al., Collaborative overview ('meta-analysis') of prospective observational studies of the associations of usual blood pressure and usual cholesterol levels with common causes of death: protocol for the second cycle of the Prospective Studios Collaboration, J CARD RISK, 6(5), 1999, pp. 315-320

Authors: Abe, F Albrow, MG Amendolia, SR Amidei, D Antos, J Anway-Wiese, C Apollinari, G Areti, H Atac, M Auchincloss, P Azfar, F Azzi, P Bacchetta, N Badgett, W Bailey, MW Bao, J de Barbaro, P Barbaro-Galtieri, A Barnes, VE Barnett, BA Bartalini, P Bauer, G Baumann, T Bedeschi, F Behrends, S Belforte, S Bellettin, G Bellinger, J Benjamin, D Benlloch, J Bensinger, J Benton, D Beretvas, A Berge, JP Bertolucci, S Bhatti, A Biery, K Binkley, M Bird, F Bisello, D Blair, RE Blocker, C Bodek, A Bokhari, W Bolognesi, V Bortoletto, D Boswell, C Boulos, T Brandenburg, G Bromberg, C Buckley-Geer, E Budd, HS Burkett, K Busetto, G Byon-Wagner, A Byrum, KL Cammerata, J Campagnari, C Campbell, M Caner, A Carithers, W Carlsmith, D Castro, A Cen, Y Cervelli, F Chao, HY Chapman, J Cheng, MT Chiarelli, G Chikamatsu, T Chiou, CN Christofek, L Cihangir, S Clark, AG Cobal, M Contreras, M Conway, J Cooper, J Cordelli, M Couyoumtzelis, C Crane, D Cunningham, JD Daniels, T DeJongh, F Delchamps, S Dell'Agnello, S Dell'Orso, M Demortier, L Denby, B Deninno, M Derwent, PF Devlin, T Dickson, M Dittmann, JR Donati, S Drucker, RB Dunn, A Einsweiler, K Elias, JE Ely, R Engels, E Errede, D Errede, S Fan, Q Farhat, B Fiori, I Flaugher, B Foster, GW Franklin, M Frautschi, M Freeman, J Friedman, J Frisch, H Fry, A Fuess, TA Fukui, Y Funaki, S Gagliardi, G Galeotti, S Gallinaro, M Garfinkel, AF Geer, S Gerdes, DW Giannetti, P Giokaris, N Giromini, P Gladney, L Glenzinski, D Gold, M Gonzalez, J Gordon, A Goshaw, AT Goulianos, K Grassmann, H Grewal, A Groer, L Grosso-Pilcher, C Haber, C Hahn, SR Hamilton, R Handler, R Hans, RM Hara, K Harral, B Harris, RM Hauger, SA Hauser, J Hawk, C Heinrich, J Cronin-Hennessy, D Hollebeek, R Holloway, L Holscher, A Hong, S Houk, G Hu, P Huffman, BT Hughes, R Hurst, P Huston, J Huth, J Hylen, J Incagli, M Incandela, J Iso, H Jensen, H Jessop, CP Joshi, U Kadel, RW Kajfasz, E Kamon, T Kaneko, T Kardelis, DA Kasha, B Kato, Y Keeble, L Kennedy, RD Kephart, R Kesten, P Kestenbaum, D Keup, RM Keutelian, H Keyvan, F Kim, DH Kim, HS Kim, SB Kim, SH Kim, YK Kirsch, L Koehn, P Kondo, K Konigsberg, J Kopp, S Kordas, K Koska, W Kovacs, E Kowald, W Krasberg, M Kroll, J Kruse, M Kuhlmann, SE Kuns, E Laasanen, AT Labanca, N Lammel, S Lamoureux, JI LeCompte, T Leone, S Lewis, JD Limon, P Lindgren, M Liss, TM Lockyer, N Loomis, C Long, O Loreti, M Low, EH Lu, J Lucchesi, D Luchini, CB Lukens, P Lys, J Maas, P Maeshima, K Maghakian, A Maksimovic, P Mangano, M Mansour, J Mariotti, M Marriner, JP Martin, A Matthews, JAJ Mttingly, R McIntyre, P Melese, P Menzione, A Meschi, E Michail, G Mikamo, S Miller, M Miller, R Mimashi, T Miscetti, S Mishina, M Mitsushio, H Miyashita, S Morita, Y Moulding, S Mueller, J Mukherjee, A Muller, T Musgrave, P Nakae, LF Nakano, I Nelson, C Neuberger, D Newman-Holmes, C Nodulman, L Ogawa, S Oh, SH Ohl, KE Oishi, R Okusawa, T Pagliarone, C Paoletti, R Papadimitriou, V Pappas, SP Park, S Patrick, J Pauletta, G Paulini, M Pescara, L Peters, MD Phillips, TJ Piacentino, G Pillai, M Plunkett, R Pondrom, L Produit, N Proudfoot, J Ptohos, F Punzi, G Ragan, K Rimondi, F Ristori, L Roach-Bellino, M Robertson, WJ Rodrigo, T Romano, J Rosenson, L Sakumoto, WK Saltzberg, D Sansoni, A Scarpine, V Schindler, A Schlabach, P Schmidt, EE Schmidt, MP Schneider, O Sciacca, GF Scribano, A Segler, S Seidel, S Seiya, Y Sganos, G Sgolacchia, A Shapiro, M Shaw, NM Shen, Q Shepard, PF Shimojima, M Shochet, M Siegrist, J Sill, A Sinervo, P Singh, P Skarha, J Sliwa, K Smith, DA Snider, FD Song, L Song, T Spalding, J Spiegel, L Sphicas, P Stanco, L Steele, J Stefanini, A Strahl, K Strait, J Stuart, D Sullivan, G Sumorok, K Swartz, RL Takahashi, T Takikawa, K Tartarelli, F Taylor, W Teng, PK Teramoto, Y Tether, S Theriot, D Thomas, J Thomas, TL Thun, R Timko, M Tipton, P Titov, A Tkaczyk, S Tollefson, K Tollestrup, A Tonnison, J de Troconiz, JF Tseng, J Turcotte, M Turini, N Uemura, N Ukegawa, F Unal, G van den Brink, SC Vejcik, S Vidal, R Vondracek, M Vucinic, D Wagner, RG Wagner, RL Wainer, N Walker, RC Wang, C Wang, CH Wang, G Wang, J Wang, MJ Wang, QF Warburton, A Watts, G Watts, T Webb, R Wei, C Wendt, C Wenzel, H Wester, WC Westhusing, T Wicklund, AB Wicklund, E Wilkinson, R Williams, HH Wilson, P Winer, BL Wolinski, J Wu, DY Wu, X Wyss, J Yagil, A Yao, W Yasuoka, K Ye, Y Yeh, GP Yeh, P Yin, M Yoh, J Yosef, C Yoshida, T Yovanovitch, D Yu, I Yun, JC Zanetti, A Zetti, F Zhang, L Zhang, S Zhang, W Zucchelli, S
Citation: F. Abe et al., Measurement of the associated gamma+mu(+/-) production cross section in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV - art. no. 092003, PHYS REV D, 6009(9), 1999, pp. 2003

Authors: Iso, H Ueki, A Shinjo, H Miwa, C Morita, Y
Citation: H. Iso et al., Reinforcement enhances hippocampal acetylcholine release in rats: an in vivo microdialysis study, BEH BRA RES, 101(2), 1999, pp. 207-213

Authors: Iso, H Shimamoto, T Kitamura, A Iida, M Komachi, Y
Citation: H. Iso et al., Trends of cardiovascular risk factors and diseases in Japan: Implications for primordial prevention, PREV MED, 29(6), 1999, pp. S102-S105

Authors: Iso, H Hennekens, CH Stampfer, MJ Rexrode, KM Colditz, GA Speizer, FE Willett, WC Manson, JE
Citation: H. Iso et al., Prospective study of aspirin use and risk of stroke in women, STROKE, 30(9), 1999, pp. 1764-1771

Authors: Iso, H Stampfer, MJ Manson, JE Rexrode, K Hennekens, CH Colditz, GA Speizer, FE Willett, WC
Citation: H. Iso et al., Prospective study of calcium, potassium, and magnesium intake and risk of stroke in women, STROKE, 30(9), 1999, pp. 1772-1779

Authors: Iso, H
Citation: H. Iso, Rats' behavior in the course of aversive conditioning measured by a stabilimeter, JPN J PSYCH, 70(1), 1999, pp. 24-29

Authors: Sasaki, H Inoue, T Iso, H Fukuda, Y
Citation: H. Sasaki et al., Recovery of visual behaviors in adult hamsters with the peripheral nerve graft to the sectioned optic nerve, EXP NEUROL, 159(2), 1999, pp. 377-390
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