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Results: 9

Authors: Lacour, D Plumey, JP Granet, G Ravaud, AM
Citation: D. Lacour et al., Resonant waveguide grating: Analysis of polarization independent filtering, OPT QUANT E, 33(4-5), 2001, pp. 451-470

Authors: Jaffres, H Lacour, D Van Dau, FN Briatico, J Petroff, F Vaures, A
Citation: H. Jaffres et al., Angular dependence of the tunnel magnetoresistance in transition-metal-based junctions - art. no. 064427, PHYS REV B, 6406(6), 2001, pp. 4427

Authors: Lenoble, O Hehn, M Lacour, D Schuhl, A Hrabovsky, D Bobo, JF Diouf, B Fert, AR
Citation: O. Lenoble et al., Domain duplication in magnetic tunnel junctions studied by Kerr microscopy- art. no. 052409, PHYS REV B, 6305(5), 2001, pp. 2409

Authors: Lacour, D Hehn, M Lenoble, O Schuhl, A Tiusan, C Ounadjela, K
Citation: D. Lacour et al., Domain duplication in ferromagnetic sandwiches, J APPL PHYS, 89(12), 2001, pp. 8006-8010

Authors: Hehn, M Lenoble, O Lacour, D Fery, C Piecuch, M Tiusan, C Ounadjela, K
Citation: M. Hehn et al., Tunneling magnetoresistance and induced domain structure in Al2O3-based junctions, PHYS REV B, 61(17), 2000, pp. 11643-11648

Authors: Akhmadaliev, S Albiol, F Amaral, P Ambrosini, G Amorim, A Anderson, K Andrieux, ML Aubert, B Auge, E Badaud, F Baisin, L Barreiro, F Battistoni, G Bazan, A Bazizi, K Bee, C Belorgey, J Belymam, A Benchekroun, D Berglund, S Berset, JC Blanchot, G Bogush, A Bohm, C Boldea, V Bonivento, W Borgeaud, P Borisov, O Bosman, M Bouhemaid, N Breton, D Brette, P Bromberg, C Budagov, J Burdin, S Caloba, L Camarena, F Camin, DV Canton, B Caprini, M Carvalho, J Casado, P Cases, R Castillo, MV Cavalli, D Cavalli-Sforza, M Cavasinni, V Chadelas, R Chalifour, M Chekhtman, L Chevalley, JL Chirikov-Zorin, I Chlachidze, G Chollet, JC Citterio, M Cleland, WE Clement, C Cobal, M Cogswell, F Colas, J Collot, J Cologna, S Constantinescu, S Costa, G Costanzo, D Coulon, JP Crouau, M Dargent, P Daudon, F David, M Davidek, T Dawson, J De, K Delagnes, E de la Taille, C Del Peso, J Del Prete, T de Saintignon, P Di Girolamo, B Dinkespiller, B Dita, S Djama, F Dodd, J Dolejsi, J Dolezal, Z Downing, R Dugne, JJ Duval, PY Dzahini, D Efthymiopoulos, I Errede, D Errede, S Etienne, F Evans, H Eynard, G Farida, F Fassnacht, P Fedyakin, N De Troconiz, JF Ferrari, A Ferrari, A Ferrer, A Flaminio, V Fournier, D Fumagalli, G Gallas, E Garcia, G Gaspar, M Gianotti, F Gildemeister, O Glagolev, V Glebov, V Gomes, A Gonzalez, V De la Hoz, SG Gordeev, A Gordon, HA Grabsky, V Grauges, E Grenier, P Hakopian, H Haney, M Hebrard, C Henriques, A Henry-Couannier, F Hervas, L Higon, E Holmgren, S Hostachy, JY Hoummada, A Huet, M Huston, J Imbault, D Ivanyushenkov, Y Jacquier, Y Jezequel, S Johansson, E Jon-And, K Jones, R Juste, A Kakurin, S Karst, P Karyukhin, A Khokhlov, Y Khubua, J Klyukhin, V Kolachev, G Kolomoets, V Kopikov, S Kostrikov, M Kovtun, V Kozlov, V Krivkova, P Kukhtin, V Kulagin, M Kulchitsky, Y Kuzmin, M Labarga, L Laborie, G Lacour, D Lami, S Lapin, V Le Dortz, O Lefebvre, M Leflour, T Leitner, R Leltchouk, M Van Suu, AL Li, J Liapis, C Linossier, O Lissauer, D Lobkowicz, F Lokajicek, M Lomakin, Y Lomakina, O Amengual, JML Lottin, JP Lund-Jensen, B Lundquist, J Maio, A Makowiecki, D Malyukov, S Mandelli, L Mansoulie, B Mapelli, L Marin, CP Marrocchesi, P Marroquin, F Martin, L Martin, O Martin, P Maslennikov, A Massol, N Mazzanti, M Mazzoni, E Merritt, F Michel, B Miller, R Minashvili, I Miralles, L Mirea, A Mnatsakanian, E Monnier, E Montarou, G Mornacchi, G Mosidze, M Moynot, M Muanza, GS Nagy, E Nayman, P Nemecek, S Nessi, M Nicod, D Nicoleau, S Niculescu, M Noppe, JM Onofre, A Pallin, D Pantea, D Paoletti, R Park, IC Parrour, G Parsons, J Pascual, J Pereira, A Perini, L Perlas, JA Perrodo, P Petroff, P Pilcher, J Pinhao, J Plothow-Besch, H Poggioli, L Poirot, S Price, L Protopopov, Y Proudfoot, J Pukhov, O Puzo, P Radeka, V Rahm, D Reinmuth, G Renardy, JF Renzoni, G Rescia, S Resconi, S Richards, R Richer, JP Riu, I Roda, C Roldan, J Romance, J Romanov, V Romero, P Russakovich, N Sala, P Sanchis, E Sanders, H Santoni, C Santos, J Sauvage, D Sauvage, G Savoy-Navarro, A Sawyer, L Says, LP Schaffer, A Schwemling, P Schwindling, J Seguin-Moreau, N Seidl, W Seixas, JM Sellden, B Seman, M Semenov, A Senchishin, V Serin, L Shaldaev, E Shchelchkov, A Shochet, M Sidorov, V Silva, J Simaitis, V Simion, S Sissakian, A Soloviev, I Snopkov, R Soderqvist, J Solodkov, A Sonderegger, P Soustruznik, K Spano, F Spiwoks, R Stanek, R Starchenko, E Stavina, P Stephens, R Studenov, S Suk, M Surkov, A Sykora, I Taguet, JP Takai, H Tang, F Tardell, S Tas, P Teiger, J Teubert, F Thaler, J Thion, J Tikhonov, Y Tisserand, V Tisserant, S Tokar, S Topilin, N Trka, Z Turcotte, M Valkar, S Varanda, MJ Vartapetian, A Vazeille, F Vichou, I Vincent, P Vinogradov, V Vorozhtsov, S Vuillemin, V Walter, C White, A Wielers, M Wingerter-Seez, I Wolters, H Yamdagni, N Yarygin, G Yosef, C Zaitsev, A Zitoun, R Zolnierowski, YP
Citation: S. Akhmadaliev et al., Results from a new combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter with a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter, NUCL INST A, 449(3), 2000, pp. 461-477

Authors: Hehn, M Lenoble, O Lacour, D Schuhl, A
Citation: M. Hehn et al., Magnetic anisotropy and domain duplication in transport properties of tunnel junctions, PHYS REV B, 62(17), 2000, pp. 11344-11346

Authors: Saint-Martin, JP Neraudeau, D Lauriat-Rage, A Goubert, E Secretan, S Babinot, JF Boukli-Hacene, S Pouyet, S Lacour, D Pestrea, S Conesa, G
Citation: Jp. Saint-martin et al., Interbedded faunas in the Messinian gypsum of Los Yeses (Sorbas Basin, SE Spain): consequences, GEOBIOS, 33(5), 2000, pp. 637-649

Authors: Appuhn, RD Ardnt, C Barrelet, E Barschke, R Bassler, U Blouzon, F Boudry, V Brasse, F Bruel, P Bruncko, D Buchholz, R Cahan, B Chechelnitski, S Claxton, B Cozzika, G Cvach, J Dagoret-Campagne, S Dau, WD Deckers, H Deckers, T Descamps, F Dirkmann, M Dowdell, J Drancourt, C Durant, O Efremenko, V Eisenhandler, E Eliseev, AN Falley, G Ferencei, J Fleischer, M Fominykh, B Gadow, K Goerlach, U Gorbov, LA Gorelov, I Grewe, M Hajduk, L Herynek, I Hladky, J Hutte, M Hutter, H Janata, M Janczar, W Janoth, J Jonsson, L Kacl, I Kolanoski, H Korbel, V Krivan, F Lacour, D Laforge, B Lamarche, F Landon, MPJ Laporte, JF Lebollo, H Le Coguie, A Lehner, F Maracek, R Matricon, P Meier, K Meyer, A Migliori, A Moreau, F Muller, G Murin, P Nagovizin, V Nicholls, TC Ozerov, D Passerieux, JP Perez, E Pharabod, JP Poschl, R Renard, C Rostovtsev, A Royon, C Rybicki, K Schlief, S Schmitt, K Schuhmacher, A Semenov, A Shekelyan, V Sirois, Y Smirnov, PA Solochenko, V Spalek, J Spielmann, S Steiner, H Stellberger, A Stiewe, J Tasevsky, M Tchernyshov, V Thiele, K Tzamariudaki, E Valkar, S Vallee, C Vallereau, A VanDenPlas, D Villet, G Wacker, K Walther, A Weber, M Wegener, D Wenk, T Zacek, J Zhokin, A Zini, P Zuber, K
Citation: Rd. Appuhn et al., The electronics of the H1 lead/scintillating-fibre calorimeters, NUCL INST A, 426(2-3), 1999, pp. 518-537
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