Results: 1-18 |
Results: 18

Authors: Hardell, L Eriksson, M Lindstrom, G Van Bavel, B Linde, A Carlberg, M Liljegren, G
Citation: L. Hardell et al., Case-control study on concentrations of organohalogen compounds and titersof antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus antigens in the etiology of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, LEUK LYMPH, 42(4), 2001, pp. 619-629

Authors: Bergstrom, S Carlsson, B Gardelin, M Lindstrom, G Pettersson, A Rummukainen, M
Citation: S. Bergstrom et al., Climate change impacts on runoff in Sweden - assessments by global climatemodels, dynamical downscaling and hydrological modelling, CLIMATE RES, 16(2), 2001, pp. 101-112

Authors: Lindstrom, G Ahmed, M Albergo, S Allport, P Anderson, D Andricek, L Angarano, MM Augelli, V Bacchetta, N Bartalini, P Bates, R Biggeri, U Bilei, GM Bisello, D Boemi, D Borchi, E Botila, T Brodbeck, TJ Bruzzi, M Budzynski, T Burger, P Campabadal, F Casse, G Catacchini, E Chilingarov, A Ciampolini, P Cindro, V Costa, MJ Creanza, D Clauws, P Da Via, C Davies, G De Boer, W Dell'Orso, R De Palma, M Dezillie, B Eremin, V Evrard, O Fallica, G Fanourakis, G Feick, H Focardi, E Fonseca, L Fretwurst, E Fuster, J Gabathuler, K Glaser, M Grabiec, P Grigoriev, E Hall, G Hanlon, M Hauler, F Heising, S Holmes-Siedle, A Horisberger, R Hughes, G Huhtinen, M Ilyashenko, I Ivanov, A Jones, BK Jungermann, L Kaminsky, A Kohout, Z Kramberger, G Kuhnke, M Kwan, S Lemeilleur, F Leroy, C Letheren, M Li, Z Ligonzo, T Linhart, V Litovchenko, P Loukas, D Lozano, M Luczynski, Z Lutz, G MacEvoy, B Manolopoulos, S Markou, A Martinez, C Messineo, A Mikuz, M Moll, M Nossarzewska, E Ottaviani, G Oshea, V Parrini, G Passeri, D Petre, D Pickford, A Pintilie, I Pintilie, L Pospisil, S Potenza, R Raine, C Rafi, JM Ratoff, PN Richter, RH Riedler, P Roe, S Roy, P Ruzin, A Ryazanov, AI Santocchia, A Schiavulli, L Sicho, P Siotis, I Sloan, T Slysz, W Smith, K Solanky, M Sopko, B Stolze, K Avset, BS Svensson, B Tivarus, C Tonelli, G Tricomi, A Tzamarias, S Valvo, G Vasilescu, A Vayaki, A Verbitskaya, E Verdini, P Vrba, V Watts, S Weber, ER Wegrzecki, M Wegrzecka, I Weilhammer, P Wheadon, R Wilburn, C Wilhelm, I Wunstorf, R Wustenfeld, J Wyss, J Zankel, K Zabierowski, P Zontar, D
Citation: G. Lindstrom et al., Radiation hard silicon detectors - developments by the RD48 (ROSE) collaboration, NUCL INST A, 466(2), 2001, pp. 308-326

Authors: Lindstrom, G Ahmed, M Albergo, S Allport, P Anderson, D Andricek, L Angarano, MM Augelli, V Bacchetta, N Bartalini, P Bates, R Biggeri, U Bilei, GM Bisello, D Boemi, D Borchi, E Botila, T Brodbeck, TJ Bruzzi, M Budzynski, T Burger, P Campabadal, F Casse, G Catacchini, E Chilingarov, A Ciampolini, P Cindro, V Costa, MJ Creanza, D Clauws, P Da Via, C Davies, G De Boer, W Dell'Orso, R De Palma, M Dezillie, B Eremin, V Evrard, O Fallica, G Fanourakis, G Feick, H Focardi, E Fonseca, L Fretwurst, E Fuster, J Gabathuler, K Glaser, M Grabiec, P Grigoriev, E Hall, G Hanlon, M Hauler, F Heising, S Holmes-Siedle, A Horisberger, R Hughes, G Huhtinen, M Ilyashenko, I Ivanov, A Jones, BK Jungermann, L Kaminsky, A Kohout, Z Kramberger, C Kuhnke, M Kwan, S Lemeilleur, F Leroy, C Letheren, M Li, Z Ligonzo, T Linhart, V Litovchenko, P Loukas, D Lozano, M Luczynski, Z Lutz, G MacEvoy, B Manolopoulos, S Markou, A Martinez, C Messineo, A Miku, M Moll, M Nossarzewska, E Ottaviani, G Oshea, V Parrini, G Passeri, D Petre, D Pickford, A Pintilie, I Pintilie, L Pospisil, S Potenza, R Radicci, V Raine, C Rafi, JM Ratoff, PN Richter, RH Riedler, P Roe, S Roy, P Ruzin, A Ryazanov, AI Santocchia, A Schiavulli, L Sicho, P Siotis, I Sloan, T Slysz, W Smith, K Solanky, M Sopko, B Stolze, K Avset, BS Svensson, B Tivarus, C Tonelli, G Tricomi, A Tzamarias, S Valvo, G Vasilescu, A Vayaki, A Verbitskaya, E Verdini, P Vrba, V Watts, S Weber, ER Wegrzecki, M Wegrzecka, I Weilhammer, P Wheadon, R Wilburn, C Wilhelm, I Wunstorf, R Wustenfeld, J Wyss, J Zankel, K Zabierowski, P Zontar, D
Citation: G. Lindstrom et al., Developments for radiation hard silicon detectors by defect engineering - results by the CERN RD48 (ROSE) Collaboration, NUCL INST A, 465(1), 2001, pp. 60-69

Authors: Hardell, L Lindstrom, G van Bavel, B Hardell, K Linde, A Carlberg, M Liljegren, G
Citation: L. Hardell et al., Adipose tissue concentrations of dioxins and dibenzofurans, titers of antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus early antigen and the risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, ENVIR RES, 87(2), 2001, pp. 99-107

Authors: Moll, M Fretwurst, E Lindstrom, G
Citation: M. Moll et al., Investigation on the improved radiation hardness of silicon detectors withhigh oxygen concentration, NUCL INST A, 439(2-3), 2000, pp. 282-292

Authors: Nordstrom, M Hardell, L Lindstrom, G Wingfors, H Hardell, K Linde, A
Citation: M. Nordstrom et al., Concentrations of organochlorines related to titers to Epstein-Barr virus early antigen IgG as risk factors for hairy cell leukemia, ENVIR H PER, 108(5), 2000, pp. 441-445

Authors: Wingfors, H Lindstrom, G van Bavel, B Schuhmacher, M Hardell, L
Citation: H. Wingfors et al., Multivariate data evaluation of PCB and dioxin profiles in the general population in Sweden and Spain, CHEMOSPHERE, 40(9-11), 2000, pp. 1083-1088

Authors: Lindstrom, G Moll, M Fretwurst, E
Citation: G. Lindstrom et al., Radiation hardness of silicon detectors - a challenge from high-energy physics, NUCL INST A, 426(1), 1999, pp. 1-15

Authors: Moll, M Fretwurst, E Lindstrom, G
Citation: M. Moll et al., Leakage current of hadron irradiated silicon detectors - material dependence, NUCL INST A, 426(1), 1999, pp. 87-93

Authors: Wallentin, L Swahn, E Kontny, F Husted, S Lagerqvist, B Stahle, E Nielsen, JD Dellborg, M Geiran, O Grande, P Hulting, J Kyst-Madsen, J Nordrehaug, JE Naslund, U Pilegaard, H Rollag, A Nielsen, TT Saetre, H Siegbahn, A Ohlin, H Arbeus, M Bylund, H Ekstrom, SL Eriksson, GP Geiran, O Holmgren, A Kellerth, T Kyst-Madsen, J Lindblom, D Lindvall, B Nordrehaug, J Pilegaard, H Radegran, K Sjogren, I Stenport, G Stahl, E Svane, B Svedjeholm, R Toftegaard-Nielsen, T Hassan, SY Naslund, U Persson, S Jacobsson, KA Thygesen, K von der Lippe, G Julian, D Bertrand, M Wedel, H Andren, B Diderholm, E Frostfeldt, G Jernberg, T Dellborg, M Abrahamsson, P Lindahl, B Jernberg, T Siegbahn, A Venge, P Swahn, E Janzon, M Logander, E Svensson, E Lindstrom, G Alsjo, G Gulin, M Setterberg, G Wikstrom, L Andersen, IM Seim, T
Citation: L. Wallentin et al., Long-term low-molecular-mass heparin in unstable coronary-artery disease: FRISC II prospective randomised multicentre study, LANCET, 354(9180), 1999, pp. 701-707

Authors: Wallentin, L Swahn, E Kontny, F Husted, S Lagerqvist, B Stahle, E Nielsen, JD Dellborg, M Geiran, O Grande, P Hulting, J Kyst-Madsen, J Nordrehaug, JE Naslund, U Pilegaard, H Rollag, A Nielsen, TT Saetre, H Siegbahn, A Ohlin, H Lagerqvist, B Arbeus, M Bylund, H Ekstrom, L Eriksson, P Geiran, O Holmgren, A Kellerth, T Kyst-Madsen, J Lindblom, D Lindvall, B Nordrehaug, J Pilegaard, H Radegran, K Sjogren, I Stenport, G Stahl, E Svane, B Svedjeholm, R Toftegaard-Nielsen, T Hassan, SY Naslund, U Persson, S Jacobsson, KA Thygesen, K von der Lippe, G Julian, D Bertrand, M Wedel, H Andren, B Diderholm, E Frostfeldt, G Jernberg, T Dellborg, M Abrahamsson, P Lindahl, B Jernberg, T Siegbahn, A Venge, P Swahn, E Janzon, M Logander, E Svensson, E Lindstrom, G Alsjo, G Gulin, M Setterberg, G Wikstrom, L M-Andersen, I Seim, T
Citation: L. Wallentin et al., Invasive compared with non-invasive treatment in unstable coronary-artery disease: FRISC II prospective randomised multicentre study, LANCET, 354(9180), 1999, pp. 708-715

Authors: Lindstrom, G Wingfors, H Dam, M von Bavel, B
Citation: G. Lindstrom et al., Identification of 19 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in long-finnedpilot whale (Globicephala melas) from the Atlantic, ARCH ENV C, 36(3), 1999, pp. 355-363

Authors: Meneses, M Wingfors, H Schuhmacher, M Domingo, JL Lindstrom, G von Bavel, B
Citation: M. Meneses et al., Polybrominated diphenyl ethers detected in human adipose tissue from Spain, CHEMOSPHERE, 39(13), 1999, pp. 2271-2278

Authors: Schuhmacher, M Domingo, JL Llobet, JM Lindstrom, G Wingfors, H
Citation: M. Schuhmacher et al., Dioxin and dibenzofuran concentrations in blood of a general population from Tarragona, Spain, CHEMOSPHERE, 38(5), 1999, pp. 1123-1133

Authors: Schuhmacher, M Domingo, JL Llobet, JM Lindstrom, G Wingfors, H
Citation: M. Schuhmacher et al., Dioxin and dibenzofuran concentrations in adipose tissue of a general population from Tarragona, Spain, CHEMOSPHERE, 38(11), 1999, pp. 2475-2487

Authors: Lindstrom, G Nord, A Johnson, L Murphy, P Revil, P
Citation: G. Lindstrom et al., Shear-sensitive fluid cures Canadian lost circulation, OIL GAS J, 97(39), 1999, pp. 83-85

Authors: Hardell, L Lindstrom, G van Bavel, B Wingfors, H Sundelin, E Liljegren, G
Citation: L. Hardell et al., Concentrations of the flame retardant 2,2 ',4,4 '-tetrabrominated diphenylether in human adipose tissue in Swedish persons and the risk for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, ONCOL RES, 10(8), 1998, pp. 429-432
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