Adams, JM
Ageladarakis, P
Alper, B
Altmann, H
Arshad, S
Bainbridge, N
Balet, B
Baranov, Y
Barker, P
Barnsley, R
Bartlett, DV
Begue, ML
Bell, AC
Bertalot, L
Bertolini, E
Beurskens, M
Bevil, C
Bickley, AJ
Bigi, M
Bird, S
Blackler, K
Bond, D
Borba, D
Brandon, M
Brelen, H
Brennan, P
Brewerton, WJ
Brix, M
Browne, ML
Budd, T
Budny, R
Butcher, P
Buttery, R
Caldwell-Nichols, C
Campling, D
Card, P
Challis, CD
Chankin, AV
Charlet, M
Chen, H
Chiron, D
Christiansen, J
Ciric, D
Clement, S
Coad, JP
Coffey, I
Conroy, S
Conway, G
Cooper, S
Cordey, JG
Corrigan, G
Cottrell, G
Cox, R
Cox, SJ
Crisanti, F
Cusack, R
Davies, N
Davies, SJ
Davis, JJ
de Angelis, R
de Antonis, P
DeBaar, M
de Benedetti, M
Deliyanakis, N
Dines, A
Dmitrenko, SL
Dobbing, J
Dolgetta, N
Dorling, SE
Duquenoy, H
Edwards, AM
Elsmore, CG
Ellis, J
Erents, SK
Ericsson, G
Esposito, B
Falter, H
Farthing, JW
Fasoli, A
Felton, R
Ferrieres, P
Fessey, J
Fichtmuller, M
Fullard, K
Gadeberg, M
Garbil, R
Gibson, A
Gill, RD
Giovannozzi, E
Giroud, C
Godden, D
Goff, JK
Gondhalekar, A
Goodyear, A
Gormezano, C
Gowers, C
Griph, FS
Groth, M
Guenther, K
Guo, H
Haigh, A
Haist, B
Hamilton, D
Hancock, CJ
Harbour, PJ
Harling, JDW
Hawkes, NC
Hawkes, NP
Heading, D
Heeter, RF
Hemmerich, JL
Hemming, ON
Hender, T
Hitchin, M
Hogben, CHA
Horton, L
Howie, J
Huart, M
Ingesson, C
Jacquinot, J
Jaeckel, H
Jaeger, JF
Jarvis, ON
Jeral, JP
Joffrin, E
Johnson, M
Jones, EM
Jones, TTC
Junger, JF
Jupen, C
Kallne, J
Kaye, A
Keilhacker, M
Kidd, NG
Knight, P
Knipe, S
Korotkov, A
Kupschus, P
LaHaye, R
Lamalle, P
Last, JR
Lawson, K
Lennholm, M
Lescure, C
Lingertat, J
Litaudon, X
Lomas, PJ
Lowry, C
Lucock, RMA
Maas, AC
Maddison, G
Maget, P
Maggi, CF
Mailloux, J
Mantsinen, M
Mart, J
Martin, D
Matthews, G
Mazon, P
McCracken, G
McCullen, PA
McDonald, D
Meigs, A
Middleton, R
Miele, P
Milani, F
Mills, J
Morgan, P
Nave, F
Newbert, G
Nielsen, P
Noll, P
Norman, K
O'Mullane, M
Oord, E
Orchard, J
Parail, VV
Parkin, A
Parsons, W
Patel, B
Paynter, A
Pearce, RJH
Perevezentsev, A
Pick, MA
Plancoulaine, J
Podda, S
Pogutse, O
Prentice, R
Purahoo, K
Rainford, M
Rapp, J
Riccardo, V
Richardson, S
Righi, E
Rimini, F
Robson, D
Rolfe, A
Romanelli, M
Roquemore, AL
Ross, RT
Saibene, G
Sarazin, Y
Sartori, F
Sartori, R
Schild, P
Schilham, A
Schmid, M
Schmidt, V
Sharapov, S
Shaw, SR
Sibley, A
Simon, M
Sips, ACC
Smeulders, P
Solano, E
Soldner, F
Spence, J
Stafford-Allen, R
Stagg, R
Stamp, M
Stangeby, P
Stevens, AL
Stork, D
Stott, PE
Strachan, JD
Strait, EJ
Stratton, BC
Stubberfield, P
Summers, D
Summers, HP
Svensson, P
Tabellini, M
Tait, J
Tala, T
Tanga, A
Taroni, A
Testa, DS
Thomas, PR
Thomsen, H
Thomsen, K
Todd, JM
Traneus, E
Tuccillo, A
Tunklev, M
Twynam, P
von Hellermann, M
Wade, T
Walden, A
Walton, R
Ward, D
Watkins, ML
Watkins, N
Watson, MJ
Wheatley, MR
Whitehurst, A
Wilson, CH
Wilson, D
Wilson, HR
Winkel, T
Young, D
Young, ID
Zastrow, KD
Zerbini, M
Citation: Jm. Adams et al., Overview of JET results in support of the ITER physics basis, NUCL FUSION, 41(10), 2001, pp. 1327-1340
Saibene, G
Horton, LD
Sartori, R
Balet, B
Clement, S
Conway, GD
Cordey, JG
De Esch, HPL
Ingesson, LC
Lingertat, J
Monk, RD
Parail, VV
Smith, RJ
Taroni, A
Thomsen, K
von Hellermann, MG
Citation: G. Saibene et al., The influence of isotope mass, edge magnetic shear and input power on highdensity ELMy H modes in JET (vol 39, pg 1133, 1999), NUCL FUSION, 40(7), 2000, pp. 1431-1431
Guo, HY
Matthews, GF
Coffey, I
Erents, SK
Groth, M
Harbour, PJ
von Hellermann, MG
Hillis, DL
Hogan, JT
Horton, LD
Ingesson, LC
Lawson, KD
Lingertat, J
Maggi, CF
McCracken, GM
Monk, RD
Morgan, PD
Stamp, MF
Stangeby, PC
Taroni, A
Vlases, GC
Citation: Hy. Guo et al., Effects of divertor geometry and chemical sputtering on impurity behaviourand plasma performance in JET, NUCL FUSION, 40(3), 2000, pp. 379-396
Sugihara, M
Igitkhanov, Y
Janeschitz, G
Hubbard, AE
Kamada, Y
Lingertat, J
Osborne, TH
Suttrop, W
Citation: M. Sugihara et al., A model for H mode pedestal width scaling using the International PedestalDatabase, NUCL FUSION, 40(10), 2000, pp. 1743-1755
Maas, AC
Andrew, P
Coad, P
Edwards, A
Ehrenberg, J
Gibson, A
Gunther, K
Harbour, P
von Hellermann, MG
Hillis, D
Howman, A
Jarvis, ON
Junger, JF
Konig, RWT
Lingertat, J
Loughlin, MJ
Morgan, PD
Orchard, J
Sadler, G
Stamp, MF
Wilson, CH
Citation: Ac. Maas et al., Diagnostic experience during deuterium-tritium experiments in JET, techniques and measurements, FUSION ENG, 47(2-3), 1999, pp. 247-265
Saibene, G
Horton, LD
Sartori, R
Balet, B
Clement, S
Conway, GD
Cordey, JG
De Esch, HPL
Ingesson, LC
Lingertat, J
Monk, RD
Parail, VV
Smith, RJ
Taroni, A
Thomsen, K
von Hellermann, MG
Citation: G. Saibene et al., The influence of isotope mass, edge magnetic shear and input power on highdensity ELMy H modes in JET, NUCL FUSION, 39(9), 1999, pp. 1133-1156
Horton, LD
Sartori, R
Balet, B
Budny, RV
Christiansen, JP
Clement, S
Conway, GD
Cordey, JG
Fishpool, GM
Lingertat, J
Lowry, CG
Maggi, CF
Mantsinen, MJ
Riccardo, V
Saibene, G
Smeulders, P
Smith, RJ
Thomsen, K
von Hellerman, MG
Citation: Ld. Horton et al., High fusion power steady state operation in JET DT plasmas, NUCL FUSION, 39(8), 1999, pp. 993-1008
Bhatnagar, VP
Lingertat, J
Barnsley, R
Breger, P
Christiansen, JP
Clement, S
Cordey, JG
Davies, SJ
Ehrenberg, JK
Eriksson, LG
Fishpool, GM
Harbour, PJ
Horton, LD
Jacquinot, J
Jackel, HJ
Lawson, K
Lowry, CG
Maggi, CF
Matthews, GF
Monk, RD
O'Brien, DP
Parail, VV
Righi, E
Saibene, G
Sartori, R
Schunke, B
Sips, ACC
Stamp, MF
Start, DFH
Thomsen, K
Citation: Vp. Bhatnagar et al., Edge localized modes and edge pedestal in NBI and ICRF heated H, D and T plasmas in JET, NUCL FUSION, 39(3), 1999, pp. 353-367
Jacquinot, J
Bhatnagar, VP
Cordey, JG
Horton, LD
Start, DFH
Barnsley, R
Breger, P
Christiansen, JP
Clement, S
Davies, SJ
Ehrenberg, JK
Eriksson, LG
Fishpool, GM
Gadeberg, M
Harbour, PJ
Jackel, HJ
Lawson, K
Lingertat, J
Lowry, CG
Maggi, CF
Matthews, GF
Monk, RD
O'Brien, DP
Righi, E
Saibene, G
Sartori, R
Schunke, B
Sips, ACC
Stamp, MF
Stork, D
Strachan, JD
Tanga, A
Thomsen, K
Citation: J. Jacquinot et al., Overview of ITER physics deuterium-tritium experiments in JET, NUCL FUSION, 39(2), 1999, pp. 235-253
Horton, LD
Vlases, GC
Andrew, P
Bhatnagar, VP
Chankin, AV
Clement, S
Conway, GD
Davies, SJ
de Haas, JCM
Ehrenberg, JK
Fishpool, GM
Gauthier, E
Guo, HY
Harbour, PJ
Ingesson, LC
Jackel, HJ
Lingertat, J
Loarte, A
Lowry, CG
Maggi, CF
Matthews, GF
McCracken, GM
Mohanti, R
Monk, RD
Reichle, R
Righi, E
Saibene, G
Sartori, R
Simonini, R
Stamp, MF
Taroni, A
Thomsen, K
Citation: Ld. Horton et al., Studies in JET diverters of varied geometry. I: Non-seeded plasma operation, NUCL FUSION, 39(1), 1999, pp. 1-17
Lingertat, J
Bhatnagar, V
Conway, GD
Eriksson, LG
Gunther, K
von Hellermann, M
Mantsinen, M
Parail, V
Prentice, R
Saibene, G
Smith, R
Zastrow, KD
Citation: J. Lingertat et al., The edge operational space in JET, J NUCL MAT, 269, 1999, pp. 124-130
Vlases, GC
Horton, LD
Matthews, GF
Andrew, P
Borrass, K
Chankin, A
Clement, S
Conway, G
Davies, S
Ehrenberg, J
Fishpool, G
Guo, HY
Harbour, PJ
Ingesson, LC
Jackel, HJ
Lingertat, J
Loarte, A
Lowry, CG
Maggi, CF
McCracken, GM
Mohanti, R
Monk, RD
Reichle, R
Righi, E
Smith, R
Stamp, MF
Stangeby, PC
Taroni, A
von Hellermann, M
Citation: Gc. Vlases et al., The effect of divertor geometry on divertor and core plasma performance inJET, J NUCL MAT, 269, 1999, pp. 160-167
Loarte, A
Bosch, S
Chankin, A
Clement, S
Herrmann, A
Hill, D
Itami, K
Lingertat, J
Lipschultz, B
McCormick, K
Monk, R
Porter, GD
Shimada, M
Sugihara, M
Citation: A. Loarte et al., Multi-machine scaling of the divertor peak heat flux and width for L-mode and H-mode discharges, J NUCL MAT, 269, 1999, pp. 587-592