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Results: 6

Authors: Serebrov, A Mityukhlyaev, V Zakharov, A Kharitonov, A Shustov, V Kuz'minov, V Lasakov, M Tal'daev, R Aldushchenkov, A Varlamov, V Vasil'ev, A Sazhin, M Greene, G Bowles, T Hill, R Seestrom, S Geltenbort, P
Citation: A. Serebrov et al., Studies of a solid-deuterium source for ultra-cold neutrons, NUCL INST A, 440(3), 2000, pp. 658-665

Authors: Hill, RE Anaya, JM Bowles, TJ Greene, GL Hogan, G Lamoreaux, S Marek, L Mortenson, R Morris, CL Saunders, A Seestrom, SJ Teasdale, W Hoedl, S Liu, CY Smith, DA Young, A Filippone, BW Hua, J Ito, T Pasyuk, E Geltenbort, P Garcia, A Fujikawa, B Baessler, S Serebrov, A
Citation: Re. Hill et al., Performance of the prototype LANL solid deuterium ultra-cold neutron source, NUCL INST A, 440(3), 2000, pp. 674-681

Authors: Serebrov, A Vasiliev, A Lasakov, M Rudnev, Y Krasnoshekova, I Geltenbort, P Butterworth, J Bowles, T Morris, C Seestrom, S Smith, D Young, AR
Citation: A. Serebrov et al., Depolarization of UCN stored in material traps, NUCL INST A, 440(3), 2000, pp. 717-721

Authors: Snow, WM Bazhenov, A Blessinger, CS Bowman, JD Chupp, TE Coulter, KP Freedman, SJ Fujikawa, BK Gentile, TR Greene, GL Hansen, G Hogan, GE Ishimoto, S Jones, GL Knudson, JN Kolomenski, E Lamoreaux, SK Leuschner, MB Masaike, A Masuda, Y Matsuda, Y Morgan, GL Morimoto, K Morris, CL Nann, H Penttila, SI Pirozhkov, A Pomeroy, VR Rich, DR Serebrov, A Sharapov, EI Smith, DA Smith, TB Welsh, RC Wietfeld, FE Wilburn, WS Yuan, VW Zerger, J
Citation: Wm. Snow et al., Measurement of the parity violating asymmetry A(gamma) in (n)over-right-arrow+p -> d+gamma, NUCL INST A, 440(3), 2000, pp. 729-735

Authors: Zimmer, O Hautle, P Heil, W Hofmann, D Humblot, H Krasnoschekova, I Lasakov, M Muller, TM Nesvizhevsky, V Reich, J Serebrov, A Sobolev, Y Vassilev, A
Citation: O. Zimmer et al., Spin filters and supermirrors: a comparison study of two methods of high-precision neutron polarisation analysis, NUCL INST A, 440(3), 2000, pp. 764-771

Authors: Heil, W Humblot, H Hofmann, D Krasnoschekova, I Lelievre-Berna, E Petoukhov, A Petrov, G Serebrov, A Tasset, F Valsky, G
Citation: W. Heil et al., Neutron optics P-violation effects near p-wave resonance, PHYSICA B, 268, 1999, pp. 289-293
Risultati: 1-6 |