Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>
Results: 1-25/318

Authors: Goto, S Taniguchi, M Muraoka, M Toyoda, H Sado, Y Kawakita, M Hayashi, S
Citation: S. Goto et al., UDP-sugar transporter implicated in glycosylation and processing of Notch, NAT CELL BI, 3(9), 2001, pp. 816-822

Authors: Taniguchi, M Furusawa, M Kiba, Y
Citation: M. Taniguchi et al., Enthalpies of dehydrations of oxalate, sulfate and chloride hydrates by transpiration method and DSC, J THERM ANA, 64(1), 2001, pp. 177-183

Authors: Kim, SR Matsuoka, T Maekawa, Y Yano, Y Hayashi, Y Kudo, M Kim, K Imoto, S Song, KB Ando, K Shintani, S Koterazawa, T Fukuda, K Mita, K Taniguchi, M
Citation: Sr. Kim et al., A case of disseminated extrahepatic hepatocellular carcinoma after US-guided biopsy and percutaneous ethanol injection therapy, HEPATOL RES, 20(2), 2001, pp. 244-254

Authors: Abbruzzese, G Agid, Y Albanese, A Alf, C Allen, R Amar, K de Andrade, LA Ang, LC Angelini, C Archer, RL Arunodaya, GR Baltzan, M Baral, K Barnett, H Bergamasco, B Berger, M Bernard, J Bharucha, NE Bhatia, K Blary, N Black, S Bodis-Wollner, I Boyson, SJ Bral-Kulaksizoglu, I Brooks, DJ Brown, JD Burke, RE Calne, DOC Calne, SM Cardoso, F Cardozo-Pelaez, F Chang, YJ Chen, CC Chen, RS Chen, R Chowdhury, A Christie, S Chu, CC Chu, NS Clarida, L Collette, EM Comella, C Conneally, PM Crossman, AR Csanda, E Dalmau, J Dalvi, A De Feijter, A Deecke, L Desai, H De Ybenes, J Dihenia, B Direnfeld, L Dodel, R Donat, J Doudet, D Duane, DD Duff, J Duvoisin, R Eggert, K Elble, RJ Elmer, LW Emre, M Fariello, R Fernendy, HH Findley, LJ Fink, S Freissmuth, M Friedman, JH de la Fuente-Fernandez, R Furtado, S Furukawa, Y Galvez-Jimenez, N Gauthier, S Gawel, MJ Gilman, S Gladstone, RM Goetz, CG Gomori, A Gopinathan, G Gordin, A Gorell, JM Greenamyre, JT Grimes, DA Gurvit, H Guttman, M Guzman, DA Hachinski, V Hanagasi, H Hardy, J Harik, SJ Hassan, MN Hattori, N Hauser, RA Hayashi, H Heller, GL Hobson, D Hochschorner, G Hortnagel, H Horowski, R Howse, DC Huang, CC Huk, II Hurtig, H Hutton, JT Jaffe, ME Jankovic, J Jardine, M Jog, M Johnson, B Kagamihara, Y Karagoz, N Kasper, S Kato, S Kebabian, JW Kertsz, A Khadilkar, SV Kirk, A Kish, S Kitaguchi, T Kofman, OS Koide, R Komori, T Kostyuk, PG Kumar, R Kuo, HC Kurlan, R Kurland, L Kurtuncu, M Lalkaka, JA Lambert, M Landau, W Lang, AE Lassmann, H Lee, CS Lees, AJ Lieberman, A Litvan, I Loeb, C Logan, WJ Lozano, AM Lu, CS Lucy, D Lynch, T Manyam, BV Maraganore, D Marshall, FT Martin, WRW Martin, WE Mathias, C Matsubera, S Mendis, T Menkes, JH Metz, LN Miyazaki, Y Mizuno, Y Mohr, E Moodley, LG Moore, R Morris, JL Muthane, U Nagaraja, D Nair, CPV Narabayashi, H Nomura, Y Norris, JW Obeso, JA O'Brien, C Oertel, W Ohtake, T Okiyama, R Ozdemir, C Pal, PK Panisset, M Paty, DW Paulson, GW Perlmutter, J Pfeiffer, RF Pifl, C Pincus, JH Poewe, W Quinn, N Rajput, AH Rajput, A Ransmayr, G Rascol, O Robinson, R Rocca, WA Roos, RAC Rosenfeld, MR Russell, D Ruth, TJ Ryu, SJ Sachdev, H Safoschnik, G Sahin, H Sanchez-Ramos, J Satishchandra, P Schapira, A",Scheltens,"Schmidley, JW Schnaberth, G Schneider, E Schneider, JS Schutz, W Seeberger, LC Segawa, M Sethi, KD Shah, A Shannon, K Shelton, P Shihabuddin, B Shimizu, T Shinotoh, H Siddique, T Siderowf, A Sieghart, W Simard, A Simmonds, DC Singhal, BS Sluga, E Snow, BJ Soukop, W Sperk, G Spieker, S Steele, JC Stewart, S Stoessl, AJ Subramony, SH Sundaram, M Sung, CY Surya, N Sweet, RD Tabbal, SD Takahashi, H Taniguchi, M Tarsy, D Teravainen, H Tetrud, JW Tolosa, E Tourtellotte, WW Troupin, AS Tsui, JKC Tuite, P Uc, EY Ueki, Y Uitti, R Uyu, C van Hilten, JJ Veerendrakumar, M Veloso, F Viallet, F Voll, C Vrooman, M Wang, X Ward, I Ward, A Waters, C Weng, YH Wenning, GK Williams, BJ Wilson, TW Wolters, EC Wooten, FG Wszolek, Z Yahr, MD Yanagisawa, N Yokochi, F Young, RR Yu, CM Zifko, U
Citation: G. Abbruzzese et al., An open letter to the Committee on the Nobel Prize in Medicine, PARKINS R D, 7(2), 2001, pp. 149-155

Authors: Takamura, T Nagai, Y Taniguchi, M Yamashita, H Nakamura, S Ikeda, T Kobayashi, KI Suzuki, T Sasano, H
Citation: T. Takamura et al., Adrenocorticotropin-independent unilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia withCushing's syndrome: Immunohistochemical studies of steroidogenic enzymes, ultrastructural examination and a review of the literature, PATHOL INT, 51(2), 2001, pp. 118-122

Authors: Sharif, S Arreaza, GA Zucker, P Mi, QS Sharif, S Arreaza, GA Zucker, P Mi, QS Sondhi, J Naidenko, OV Kronenberg, M Koezuka, Y Delovitch, TL Gombert, JM Leite-De-Moraes, M Gouarin, C Zhu, R Hameg, A Nakayama, T Taniguchi, M Lepault, F Lehuen, A Bach, JF Herbelin, A
Citation: S. Sharif et al., Activation of natural killer T cells by alpha-galactosylceramide treatmentprevents the onset and recurrence of autoimmune Type 1 diabetes, NAT MED, 7(9), 2001, pp. 1057-1062

Authors: Tamatani, M Matsuyama, T Yamaguchi, A Mitsuda, N Tsukamoto, Y Taniguchi, M Che, YH Ozawa, K Hori, O Nishimura, H Yamashita, A Okabe, M Yanagi, H Stern, DM Ogawa, S Tohyama, M
Citation: M. Tamatani et al., ORP150 protects against hypoxia/ischemia-induced neuronal death, NAT MED, 7(3), 2001, pp. 317-323

Authors: Kimura, M Koseki, Y Yamashita, M Watanabe, N Shimizu, C Katsumoto, T Kitamura, T Taniguchi, M Koseki, H Nakayama, T
Citation: M. Kimura et al., Regulation of Th2 cell differentiation by mel-18, a mammalian polycomb group gene, IMMUNITY, 15(2), 2001, pp. 275-287

Authors: Hirata, A Yoshida, S Inoue, N Matsumoto-Miyai, K Ninomiya, A Taniguchi, M Matsuyama, T Kato, K Iizasa, H Kataoka, Y Yoshida, N Shiosaka, S
Citation: A. Hirata et al., Abnormalities of synapses and neurons in the hippocampus of neuropsin-deficient mice, MOL CELL NE, 17(3), 2001, pp. 600-610

Authors: Morosawa, S Taniguchi, M
Citation: S. Morosawa et M. Taniguchi, Non-trivial deformation of an entire function abz+e(bz)+c, TAIWAN J M, 5(3), 2001, pp. 641-646

Authors: Saito, H Yamamoto, N Tomita, S Taniguchi, M Hasegawa, M Akiyama, K Kawaguchi, H Takahashi, K
Citation: H. Saito et al., Effect of emedastine difumarate on CC chemokine-elicited eosinophil migration, INT A AL IM, 125, 2001, pp. 22-28

Authors: Mori, A Ikeda, Y Taniguchi, M Aoyama, C Maeda, Y Hasegawa, M Kobayashi, N Akiyama, K
Citation: A. Mori et al., IL-5 production by peripheral blood Th cells of adult asthma patients in response to Candida albicans allergen, INT A AL IM, 125, 2001, pp. 48-50

Authors: Nakayama, T Yamashita, M Kawano, T Shimizu, C Shibata, Y Kamata, T Kaneko, Y Kobayashi, S Takeda, U Motohashi, S Cui, JQ Taniguchi, M
Citation: T. Nakayama et al., The role of alpha-galactosylceramide-activated V alpha 14 natural killer Tcells in the regulation of Th2 cell differentiation, INT A AL IM, 124(1-3), 2001, pp. 38-42

Authors: Wang, W Li, W Ikeda, Y Miyagawa, JI Taniguchi, M Miyoshi, E Sheng, Y Ekuni, A Ko, JH Yamamoto, Y Sugimoto, T Yamashita, S Matsuzawa, Y Grabowski, GA Honke, K Taniguchi, N
Citation: W. Wang et al., Ectopic expression of alpha 1,6 fucosyltransferase in mice causes steatosis in the liver and kidney accompanied by a modification of lysosomal acid lipase, GLYCOBIOLOG, 11(2), 2001, pp. 165-174

Authors: Hyodo, J Hakuba, N Koga, K Watanabe, F Shudou, M Taniguchi, M Gyo, K
Citation: J. Hyodo et al., Hypothermia reduces glutamate efflux in perilymph following transient cochlear ischemia, NEUROREPORT, 12(9), 2001, pp. 1983-1987

Authors: Kamada, N Iijima, H Kimura, K Harada, M Shimizu, E Motohashi, S Kawano, T Shinkai, H Nakayama, T Sakai, T Brossay, L Kronenberg, M Taniguchi, M
Citation: N. Kamada et al., Crucial amino acid residues of mouse CD1d for glycolipid ligand presentation to V(alpha)14NKT cells, INT IMMUNOL, 13(7), 2001, pp. 853-861

Authors: Shimizu, C Kawamoto, H Yamashita, M Kimura, M Kondou, E Kaneko, Y Okada, S Tokuhisa, T Yokoyama, M Taniguchi, M Katsura, Y Nakayama, T
Citation: C. Shimizu et al., Progression of T cell lineage restriction in the earliest subpopulation ofmurine adult thymus visualized by the expression of lck proximal promoter activity, INT IMMUNOL, 13(1), 2001, pp. 105-117

Authors: Otsuka, T Ishii, K Osako, Y Okutani, F Taniguchi, M Oka, T Kaba, H
Citation: T. Otsuka et al., Modulation of dendrodendritic interactions and mitral cell excitability inthe mouse accessory olfactory bulb by vaginocervical stimulation, EUR J NEURO, 13(9), 2001, pp. 1833-1838

Authors: Akasaka, T van Lohuizen, M van der Lugt, N Mizutani-Koseki, Y Kanno, M Taniguchi, M Vidal, M Alkema, M Berns, A Koseki, H
Citation: T. Akasaka et al., Mice doubly deficient for the Polycomb Group genes Mel18 and Bmi1 reveal synergy and requirement for maintenance but not initiation of Hox gene expression, DEVELOPMENT, 128(9), 2001, pp. 1587-1597

Authors: Sugimoto, Y Taniguchi, M Yagi, T Akagi, Y Nojyo, Y Tamamaki, N
Citation: Y. Sugimoto et al., Guidance of glial precursor cell migration by secreted cues in the developing optic nerve, DEVELOPMENT, 128(17), 2001, pp. 3321-3330

Authors: Loes, S Kettunen, P Kvinnsland, IH Taniguchi, M Fujisawa, H Luukko, K
Citation: S. Loes et al., Expression of class 3 semaphorins and neuropilin receptors in the developing mouse tooth, MECH DEVEL, 101(1-2), 2001, pp. 191-194

Authors: Imaizumi, K Miyoshi, K Katayama, T Yoneda, T Taniguchi, M Kudo, T Tohyama, M
Citation: K. Imaizumi et al., The unfolded protein response and Alzheimer's disease, BBA-MOL BAS, 1536(2-3), 2001, pp. 85-96

Authors: Ohmukai, M Taniguchi, M Tsutsumi, Y
Citation: M. Ohmukai et al., Large current density and anodization time needed for strong photoluminescence in porous silicon, MAT SCI E B, 86(1), 2001, pp. 26-28

Authors: Taniguchi, M Miura, K Iwao, H Yamanaka, S
Citation: M. Taniguchi et al., Quantitative assessment of DNA microarrays - Comparison with Northern blotanalyses, GENOMICS, 71(1), 2001, pp. 34-39

Authors: Taniguchi, M
Citation: M. Taniguchi, Evaluation of the groundwater capture zone for modelling of nutrient discharge, HYDROL PROC, 15(10), 2001, pp. 1939-1949
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>