string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2008' AND fasc_issn='10558896' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25    

Articles table of contents

Results : 25

Authors: Ikseon Choi Sang Joon Lee Chao-Chih Liao
Citation: Ikseon Choi et al., Designing multimedia case-based instruction accommodating students' diverse learning styles, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(1), 2008, pp. 5-25

Authors: Robert Beasley Yuangshan Chuang Chao-Chih Liao
Citation: Robert Beasley et al., American music immersion: influencing factors and its impact on Taiwanese EFL learners engaged in web-based, multimedia music study, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(1), 2008, pp. 27-42

Authors: Ling Wang
Citation: Ling Wang, Developing and evaluating an interactive multimedia instructional tool: learning outcomes and user experiences of optometru students, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(1), 2008, pp. 43-57

Authors: Kok Boom Shiong Baharuddin Aris Maizah Hura Ahmad Mohamad Bilal Ali Jamaliudin Harun Tasir Zaidatun
Citation: Kok Boom Shiong et al., Learning "goal programming" using an interactive multimedia courseware: design factors and students' preferences, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(1), 2008, pp. 59-79

Authors: Geraldine Clarebout Jan Elen
Citation: Geraldine Clarebout et Jan Elen, Advice on tool use in open learning environments, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(1), 2008, pp. 81-97

Authors: Nicole B. Ellison Yuehua Wu
Citation: Nicole B. Ellison et Yuehua Wu, Blogging in the classroom: a preliminary exploration of student attitudes and impact on comprehension, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(1), 2008, pp. 99-122

Authors: Monica E. Bulger Richard E. Mayer Kevin C. Almeroth Sheridan D. Blau
Citation: Monica E. Bulger et al., Measuring learner engagement in computer-equipped college classrooms, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(2), 2008, pp. 129-143

Authors: Steven Crooks David White Sribhagyam Srinivasan Qingfu Wang
Citation: Steven Crooks et al., Temporal, but not spatial, contiguity effects while studying an interactive geographic map, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(2), 2008, pp. 145-169

Authors: Florence Martin James Klein
Citation: Florence Martin et James Klein, Effects of objectives, practice, and review in multimedia instruction, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(2), 2008, pp. 171-189

Authors: Aristidis Protopsaltis
Citation: Aristidis Protopsaltis, Reading strategies in hypertexts and factors influencing hyperlink selection, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(2), 2008, pp. 191-213

Authors: Mike Wald
Citation: Mike Wald, Learning through multimedia: speech recognition enhancing accessibility and interaction, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(2), 2008, pp. 215-233

Authors: P.G. Schrader Kimberly Lawless Hayley Mayall
Citation: P.g. Schrader et al., The model of domain learning as a Framework for understanding internet navigation, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(2), 2008, pp. 235-258

Authors: Eric Wiebe Leonard Annetta
Citation: Eric Wiebe et Leonard Annetta, Influences on visual attentional distribution in multimedia instruction, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(2), 2008, pp. 259-277

Authors: Terry S. Judd Gregor E. Kennedy
Citation: Terry S. Judd et Gregor E. Kennedy, Basic sequence analysis techniques for use with audit trail data, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(3), 2008, pp. 285-306

Authors: Declan Kellu
Citation: Declan Kellu, Adaptive versus learner control in a multiple intelligence learning environment, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(3), 2008, pp. 307-336

Authors: Szu Hsin Lee Hui Ching Tseng
Citation: Szu Hsin Lee et Hui Ching Tseng, Investigantion of technology integrated instruction in art education: a case study of exploring learning achievement, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(3), 2008, pp. 337-361

Authors: Yi-Mei Lin Karen Swan Annette Kratcoski
Citation: Yi-mei Lin et al., Scaffolding learning through multimedia development, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(3), 2008, pp. 363-385

Authors: Christine Opitz Savi Wilhelmina Savenye Cynthia Rowland
Citation: Christine Opitz Savi et al., The effects of implementing web accessibility standards on the success of secondary adolescents, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(3), 2008, pp. 387-411

Authors: Richard Goldsworthy Nancy Schwartz
Citation: Richard Goldsworthy et Nancy Schwartz, Development and evaluation of a multimedia-enhanced STD/HIV curriculum for middle schools, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(3), 2008, pp. 413-444

Authors: John N. Bassili
Citation: John N. Bassili, Media richness and social norms in the choice to attend lectures or to watch them online, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(4), 2008, pp. 453-475

Authors: Chi-Cheng Chang
Citation: Chi-cheng Chang, A case study on the relationshinps between participation in online discussion and achievement of project work, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(4), 2008, pp. 477-509

Authors: Peter E. Doolittle Gina J. Mariano
Citation: Peter E. Doolittle et Gina J. Mariano, Working memory capacity and mobile multimedia learning environments: individual differences in learning while mobile, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(4), 2008, pp. 511-530

Authors: Ah-Fur Lai Deng-Jyi Chen Shu-Ling Chen
Citation: Ah-fur Lai et al., Item attributes analysis of computerized test based on IRT - a comparison study on static text/graphic presentation and interactive multimedia presentation, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(4), 2008, pp. 531-559

Authors: Matthew Niemitz Scott Slough Leslie Peart Ann D. Klaus R. Mark Leckie Kristen St. John
Citation: Matthew Niemitz et al., Interactive virtual expeditions as a learning tool: the school of rock expedition case study, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(4), 2008, pp. 561-580

Authors: Haya Shamir Kent Hercules Michael Crowther
Citation: Haya Shamir et al., The effects of different voices in computer-based instruction on children's learning, Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia , 17(4), 2008, pp. 581-595
Results: 1-25