string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2012' AND fasc_issn='07322399' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-61    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/61

Authors: Mallapragada, Girish Grewal, Rajdeep Lilien, Gary
Citation: Mallapragada, Girish et al., User-Generated Open Source Products: Founder's Social Capital and Time to Product Release, Marketing science , 31(3), 2012, pp. 474-492

Authors: Ghose, Anindya Ipeirotis, Panagiotis G. Li, Beibei
Citation: Ghose, Anindya et al., Designing Ranking Systems for Hotels on Travel Search Engines by Mining User-Generated and Crowdsourced Content, Marketing science , 31(3), 2012, pp. 493-520

Authors: Netzer, Oded Feldman, Ronen Goldenberg, Jacob Fresko, Moshe
Citation: Netzer, Oded et al., Mine Your Own Business: Market-Structure Surveillance Through Text Mining, Marketing science , 31(3), 2012, pp. 521-543

Authors: Chylinski, Mathew B. Roberts, John H. Hardie, Bruce G. S.
Citation: B. Chylinski, Mathew et al., Consumer Learning of New Binary Attribute Importance Accounting for Priors, Bias, and Order Effects, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 549-566

Authors: Park, Sungho Gupta, Sachin
Citation: Park, Sungho et Gupta, Sachin, Handling Endogenous Regressors by Joint Estimation Using Copulas, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 567-586

Authors: He, Tingting Kuksov, Dmitri Narasimhan, Chakravarthi
Citation: He, Tingting et al., Intraconnectivity and Interconnectivity: When Value Creation May Reduce Profits, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 587-602

Authors: Galbreth, Michael R. Ghosh, Bikram Shor, Mikhael
Citation: R. Galbreth, Michael et al., Social Sharing of Information Goods: Implications for Pricing and Profits, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 603-620

Authors: Belloni, Alexandre Lovett, Mitchell J. Boulding, William Staelin, Richard
Citation: Belloni, Alexandre et al., Optimal Admission and Scholarship Decisions: Choosing Customized Marketing Offers to Attract a Desirable Mix of Customers, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 621-636

Authors: Freimer, Marshall Horsky, Dan
Citation: Freimer, Marshall et Horsky, Dan, Periodic Advertising Pulsing in a Competitive Market, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 637-648

Authors: Calzada, Joan Valletti, Tommaso M.
Citation: Calzada, Joan et M. Valletti, Tommaso, Intertemporal Movie Distribution: Versioning When Customers Can Buy Both Versions, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 649-667

Authors: Sridhar, Karthik Bezawada, Ram Trivedi, Minakshi
Citation: Sridhar, Karthik et al., Investigating the Drivers of Consumer Cross-Category Learning for New Products Using Multiple Data Sets, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 668-688

Authors: Dover, Yaniv Goldenberg, Jacob Shapira, Daniel
Citation: Dover, Yaniv et al., Network Traces on Penetration: Uncovering Degree Distribution from Adoption Data, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 689-712

Authors: Moorman, Christine Ferraro, Rosellina Huber, Joel
Citation: Moorman, Christine et al., Unintended Nutrition Consequences: Firm Responses to the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 717-737

Authors: Bradley, Dondeena
Citation: Bradley, Dondeena, Further Examining the Impact of the NLEA on Nutrition, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 738-739

Authors: Pappalardo, Janis K.
Citation: K. Pappalardo, Janis, Are Unintended Effects of Marketing Regulations Unexpected?, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 739-744

Authors: Moorman, Christine Ferraro, Rosellina Smith, Robert H. Huber, Joel
Citation: Moorman, Christine et al., From Consumer Information Regulation to Nutrition Competition: A Response, Marketing science , 31(4), 2012, pp. 747-755

Authors: Moorthy, Sridhar
Citation: Moorthy, Sridhar, Can Brand Extension Signal Product Quality?, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 756-770

Authors: Wernerfelt, Birger
Citation: Wernerfelt, Birger, On Brand Extension as a Signal of Product Quality, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 771-772

Authors: Keller, Kevin Lane
Citation: Keller, Kevin Lane, Economic and Behavioral Perspectives on Brand Extension, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 772-776

Authors: Moorthy, Sridhar
Citation: Moorthy, Sridhar, On Brand Extension as a Signal of Product Quality: Reply to Keller and Wernerfelt, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 776-778

Authors: Cheema, Amar Chakravarti, Dipankar Sinha, Atanu R.
Citation: Cheema, Amar et al., Bidding Behavior in Descending and Ascending Auctions, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 779-800

Authors: Erat, Sanjiv Bhaskaran, Sreekumar R.
Citation: Erat, Sanjiv et R. Bhaskaran, Sreekumar, Consumer Mental Accounts and Implications to Selling Base Products and Add-ons, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 801-818

Authors: Chiou, Lesley Tucker, Catherine
Citation: Chiou, Lesley et Tucker, Catherine, How Does the Use of Trademarks by Third-Party Sellers Affect Online Search?, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 819-837

Authors: de Jong, Martijn G. Lehmann, Donald R. Netzer, Oded
Citation: G. De Jong, Martijn et al., State-Dependence Effects in Surveys, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 838-854

Authors: Jain, Sanjay
Citation: Jain, Sanjay, Self-Control and Incentives: An Analysis of Multiperiod Quota Plans, Marketing science , 31(5), 2012, pp. 855-869
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-61